

One year of eRAD in LAerospaZIO

The first year of operations of the project “eRAD – Tests of radiation resistance of aerospace components“ has ended. The eRAD project has been presented by INFN-LNF, IMT srl and ASI in the framework of “Strategic Porjects”, public notice by Lazio Region and will receive a grant of 857.597€.

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Mu2e: completed the calorimeter electronics tests

The LNF team together with the colleagues of INFN – Pisa Unit of the Mu2e collaboration, have recently successfully carried out the full test on the final readout electronics of the calorimeter, marking an important milestone for the realization of the experiment.

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ATLAS: towards Hi-Lumi with the New Small Wheel

An important milestone for the ATLAS upgrade project has been achieved: it has been completed the first wheel of the forward muon spectrometer required to cope the increase in luminosity foreseen in the upcoming phases of the LHC data taking.

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Sostegno all’editoria libraria – LNF Library

The Library and Scientific Documentation Service of the LNF, in August 2020, applied to the call Sostegno all’editoria libraria of the Italian Ministry of Culture (MIBAC), aimed at providing support to small bookstores and to the entire publishing chain, providing a financial contribution to libraries for the purchase of books.

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A new detector for ALICE

The new Internal Tracking System (ITS) of the ALICE experiment, based on ultra-thin silicon-sensors (50-100 micron), is at CERN since several months for tests and commissioning.

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