Sultan Dabagov has been awarded by the Ministry of Science and Research of the Russian Federation at the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (NRNU MEPhI) with a medal “for the contribution in the achievements of NRNU MEPhI”.
The ceremony was held in Moscow on July 27, 2021 with hybrid participation.
Sultan Dabagov is Director of Research at the Frascati National Laboratory – Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics where he is the head of XLab Frascati, which is an R&D laboratory dedicated to the interaction of particle beams and radiation with matter with a focus on scientific and technology based activities based on polycapillary optics.
After the graduation in Physics in 1983 at the Nalchik University in Moscow, he earned a PhD in Maths and Physics in 1986 at the Kurchatov Atomic Energy Institute in Moscow and he earned the title of Doctor in Maths and Science in 1993 at the Lebedev Physical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences.
He was the scientific chief of the Institute of Roentgen Optics in Nalchik and he is Professor at the Russian Academy of Sciences since 1996. In 1998 he became researcher at the LNF – INFN and since 2007 he is Professor at the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI and in other international institutions.