
Accelerator physics: the ECFA plenary meeting at the INFN Frascati National Laboratories

The 114th plenary meeting of the European Committee for Accelerators of the Future (ECFA) took place on 4-5 July at...
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Accelerator physics: the ECFA plenary meeting at the INFN Frascati National Laboratories

From Palermo to Frascati, the long journey of an unknown version of the famous painting “Lo Spasimo di Palermo”, by Raffaello

An unknown version of the painting "Lo Spasimo di Palermo" by Raffaello Sanzio was hosted at the DAΦNE-Light laboratory of...
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From Palermo to Frascati, the long journey of an unknown version of the famous painting “Lo Spasimo di Palermo”, by Raffaello

Workshop “Present and Future of Hadron Physics” held at INFN Frascati National Laboratory

From June 17 to 19, 2024, the National Laboratory of Frascati (INFN) hosted an important workshop dedicated to the present...
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Workshop “Present and Future of Hadron Physics” held at INFN Frascati National Laboratory

Demonstration of particle bending in a curved plasma channel at SPARC_LAB

In a recently published paper in Physical Review Letters, the SPARC_LAB group presented a novel method for deflecting and guiding...
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Demonstration of particle bending in a curved plasma channel at SPARC_LAB

Great milestone achieved for the TEX facility

Great milestone achieved for the TEX facility: the high-power test of the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB prototype has been successfully completed! (more…)
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Great milestone achieved for the TEX facility

Paola Gianotti elected Director of the Frascati National Laboratory

During its meeting on May 31st, the Board of Directors of INFN appointed Paola Gianotti as the Director of the...
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Paola Gianotti elected Director of the Frascati National Laboratory

Pierluigi Campana new coordinator of the EuPRAXIA ESFRI and PP projects

The EuPRAXIA ESFRI Collaboration Board and the EuPRAXIA-PP Collaboration Board have approved the appointment of Dr Pierluigi Campana as new...
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Pierluigi Campana new coordinator of the EuPRAXIA ESFRI and PP projects

Summer Student Fellowships for scientific and technological research activities

The LNF Summer Student Program provides 5 two-month fellowships for scientific and technological training activities for university students or recent...
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Summer Student Fellowships for scientific and technological research activities

News from the SPARC bunker!

2024 is bringing big news to the SPARC_LAB research facility at LNF. (more…)
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News from the SPARC bunker!

An Inner Tracker for low-momentum electron-positron colliders: the micro-RWELL becomes cylindrical

Within the scope of EU project EURIZON, the LNF Detector Development Group and INFN-Fe have successfully completed the construction of...
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An Inner Tracker for low-momentum electron-positron colliders: the micro-RWELL becomes cylindrical


  • È online il nuovo sito dedicato al progetto PNRR Rome Technopole

    È online il nuovo sito dei Laboratori dedicato alla partecipazione dei LNF al progetto PNRR Rome Technopole, il primo polo multi-tecnologico per la didattica, la ricerca e il trasferimento tecnologico nei settori della transizione energetica e sostenibilità, della trasformazione digitale e in ambito bio-farmaceutico e salute.

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  • ScienzaPerTutti

    Onde Gravitazionali

    In occasione dell’ufficializzazione della candidatura dell’Italia ad ospitare l’Einstein Telescope, riscopriamo cosa sono le onde gravitazionali e come facciamo a rilevarle
    di Giancarlo Cella

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    Dai buchi neri alle onde gravitazionali: tutte le vittorie di Einstein



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