

Fundamental Physics in Frascati

The LNF scientific community is discussing the perspectives in fundamental physics research in Frascati. In the long-term LNF research program, the protagonist will be EUPRAXIA, project dedicated to the development of a new generation of accelerators based on cutting edge technologies like plasma acceleration.

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During the days 12-13-14 January 2021, the first edition of the meeting INTERLAB 2021 has gathered together more than 100 scientists engineers and technicians from Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, ENEA C. R. Frascati, CNR, and from several other Universities and research institutes, with the aim of exploring the possible synergies in the development of accelerators dedicated to light sources and to other applications.

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Luca Giannessi receives the innovation award on Synchrotron Radiation

The Helmoltz-Zentrum Berlin, leading research centre for structure of matter, assigned the Innovation Award on Synchrotron Radiation to Luca Giannessi, researcher at INFN-LNF, Carlo Callegari, Kevin Prince and Giuseppe Sansone for their pioneering achievements in the development and application of innovative investigation methods exploiting the radiation emitted by a seeded free electron laser.

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DART-WARS: may the force be in the qubit

Science fiction often takes a cue from Physics but the opposite is also true, especially in the choice of acronyms. This applies to DART-WARS, an electronics and detectors related project whereby INFN will contribute to the development of technologies for the superconducting quantum computer.          

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aMUSE financed by the European Community

The Frascati National Laboratory of INFN leads for the second time an H2020-MSCA-RISE European project, whose goal is to promote international and intersectoral collaborations by means of secondments of personnel.

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PADME back hunting!

The pandemic that afflicts the planet is having important effects also on the scientific research and in particular on those fields where the experiment scale requires an international collaboration.

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SuperKEKB breaks new luminosity world record

SuperKEKB , the electron–positron collider located at the KEK Laboratory  (Tsukuba, Japan),  on June 15th at 20:34 local time, achieved the world’s highest instantaneous luminosity, setting a record of 2.2×1034 cm-2 s-1, and thus surpassing the previous record of 2.14-1034 cm-2 s-1 obtained in 2018 by CERN’s LHC accelerator.

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