

Macchine per scoprire

Conferenza pubblica: Macchine per scoprire – dal Bosone di Higgs alla Nuova Fisica 14 aprile – ore 21:00 AUDITORIUM Parco della Musica In occasione di FCC Week 2016, INFN e CERN collaborano per fornire ai ricercatori italiani un’importante occasione di raccontare le ricerche in corso al gigantesco acceleratore di particelle LHC e le sfide che si prospettano per la fisica, in questo momento costellato da importanti scoperte. Un confronto a più voci in cui si parlerà anche dell’impatto di tecnologie e infrastrutture sull’economia e sulla società.

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KLOE-2 – New tape library to improve data storage

KLOE-2 is the main experiment of the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati and presently acquiring data at the DAFNE accelerator. Upgraded with new detectors, KLOE-2 exhibits a greatly improved discovery potential with respect to previous KLOE experiment,  including quantum interference with neutral K mesons and high precision study of the intrinsic properties of matter particles (kaon) with respect to anti-matter particles (anti-kaon).

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The first beams are circulating in the SuperKEKB accelerator

On 2 march 2016, electron and positron beams were injected and stably circulated for the first time in the rings of the SuperKEKB accelerator at the KEK laboratory in Tsukuba, Japan. The important milestone, involving the creation of a high luminosity machine, is based on a beam collision scheme developed at the Frascati Laboratories for the Dafne accelerator.

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A new generation of neutrino beams: ERC awards A. Longhin of INFN Frascati

With a 2 million EUR funding for a duration of 5 years the European Research Council (ERC) has awarded the ENUBET project (Enhanced NeUtrino Beams from kaon Tagging). The Principal Investigator is Andrea Longhin, a researcher working at the Frascati INFN National Laboratories. Longhin is among the 302 researchers awarded at an international level this year (with 585 MEUR in total) with the so-called “Consolidator Grants” of the ERC(*). This funding is meant, on a competitive basis, to offer researchers an extraordinary opportunity to make innovative and excellent research programs come to life.

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FCCWEEK2016 – Future Circular Collider study

Rome, 11-15 April 2016 The Future Circular Collider Study (FCC) explores different designs of circular colliders for the post-LHC era. Reaching higher energies and unprecedented luminosities would allow us to explore the fundamental laws of nature and probe yet unexplained observations.

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Einstein aveva ragione

Di che cosa parliamo quando parliamo di onde gravitazionali: il racconto di una scoperta. 18 febbraio 2016 ore 21 Auditorium Parco della Musica, Roma Conferenza pubblica organizzata da INFN e Fondazione Musica per Roma in occasione dell’annnuncio sulla scoperta delle onde gravitazionali

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