

#WIRE16 5 minuti per la tua idea!

C’è tempo fino al 29 maggio per compilare l’iscrizione sul sito web di Frascati Scienza e proporre la propria idea per WIRE16 – Workshop Impresa, Ricerca ed Economia. Il workshop si propone di riunire imprenditori, ricercatori e finanziatori per discutere di ricerca, innovazioni nel campo del design, tecnologia e informatica, idee per creare infrastrutture, laboratori e opportunità di lavoro per i giovani.

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LHC starts the new data taking: a new adventure begins

Protons have started colliding again in the super-accelerator LHC at CERN in Geneva. A new phase of data taking will allow physicists to continue the exploration of the Universe, of the bricks of the matter and of the fundamental laws. LHC has already shown its big potentialities bringing science to the frontier of knowledge. The measurements foreseen will bring us to a deeper understanding of physics.

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Borse Summer Student 2016 ai LNF

Anche quest’anno i Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati offrono la possibilità, nel periodo estivo, a 5 studenti universitari o neolaureati di svolgere attività di ricerca all’interno di un gruppo sperimentale. Le borse riguardano settore scientifico, tecnico-applicativo e gestionale-amministrativo. I dettagli del programma e le modalità per partecipare alla selezione sono disponibili al seguente indirizzo:

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The SETI Project

“Spring School Colloquium” dei Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati – INFN: The SETI Project. Explore, understand and explain the origin, nature and prevalence of life in the Universe Martedì 10 Maggio 2016, ore 18.00 Via E. Fermi 40 – Frascati (RM) Seth Shostak (Senior Astronomer and Director, Center for SETI research)

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Quartz bars as particle detectors

“Seeing” a high energy particle requires special detectors exploiting peculiar phenomena of interaction of particles with the matter. The Cherenkov effect is one of such phenomena: when a high energy particle crosses a material (a “radiator”) flashes of blue (or even ultra-violet) light are emitted. Such emission happens whenever the particle crosses the radiator with a speed larger than the light speed in that same material, an analog of the supersonic “boom” of the aircraft when they moves faster that the speed of sound.

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OpenLabs 2016: Studenti in staff

Getting ready for the 2016 OpenLabs, the LNF Staff welcomes 110 new membres: the Studenti in Staff participants, coming from several schools of the area that established an Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro agreement with the Laboratory.

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Test of the performances of Alice’s chip at BTF

It’s now come to an end the BTF (Beam Test Facility) measurements campaign for the characterization of one of the most innovative silicon pixel chips that will be used by the ALICE experiment for the new tracker detector. The building of a new ITS (Inner Tracking System) entirely based on silicon pixel detectors, made up of 7 concentric layers, for a total active surface of about 10 m2 of segmented silicon and more than 12.5 billion pixels, greatly involves the INFN, especially the ALICE group at LNF, which will be one of the five laboratories in the whole world to engage in this particular construction.

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The LNF on the top of a rank of the MEF

I Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (LNF), insieme ai Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (LNL), sono in vetta alla classifica degli enti pubblici più virtuosi nel pagamento delle fatture. A sancirlo l’ultima rilevazione del Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze (MEF), pubblicata all’inizio di aprile del 2016.

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XVIII Spring School

The XVIII Spring School of the Frascati National Laboratories will be held this year from Monday, May 9th to Friday, May 13th. The program includes six sets of theoretical/experimental lectures on Dark Matter (A. Ibarra/M. Schumann), Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay (W. Rodejohann/S. Schönert), Searches for New Particles at the LHC (T. Plehn/O. Buchmueller) and the Spring School Colloquium “The SETI Project – Explore, understand and explain the origin, nature and prevalence of life in the Universe” delivered by the Director of the Center for SETI research, Professor Seth Shostak.

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