


From the 11th to the 15th of March 2019, LNF will host the 15th edition of IPPOG-International Particle Physics Masterclass, the stage addressed to students in their last year of high school.

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ESPP2020 moving towards Granada

The more than 160 contributions to the European Strategy for Particle Physics 2020, produced by Research Institutes, Laboratories, collaborations and groups of researchers active in high energy physics and related technologies, are now freely accessible. That is crucial to drawing up the document outlining the sector perspectives in the years ahead

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Farewell to Pio Picchi

Pio Picchi, a very unique scientist, passed away. With his original contributions, especially in the field of detector development, he had been marking the history of INFN experimental physics for 50 years.

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Greetings from the Frascati National Laboratories

The Laboratories will be closed for festivities from Monday 24th of December 2018 to Tuesday 1st of January 2019.   Retrace “A year of Outreach“ at LNF, waiting for 2019 with a brand new series of dates with Science! WATCH THE VIDEO   Have a nice holiday and a happy new year!       Translation by Camilla Paola Maglione, Communications Office INFN-LNF 

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The colours of Ancient Rome in a new “light”

Spectroscopic investigations for the reconstruction of the frescoes of the Roman Villa della Piscina and for the restoration of the artworks of Palazzo Chigi in Ariccia. These are some of the activities of the ADAMO (Analysis, DiAgnostics and MOnitoring) project

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The 2018 APS Award goes to a LNF researcher

LNF congratulates our researcher, Catalina Curceanu, who, together with Stephen L. Adler of the Institute for Advanced Study di Princeton (USA), won the Fundamental Physics Innovation Award of the American Physics Society, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

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SICURA wins the research call of Lazio Region

The SICURA (SICUrezza Radiologica – RAdiation Safety) project, an innovative proposal drawn up by Catalina Curceanu and Roberto Bedogni, researchers at LNF, wins the Lazio Region call for Research Group Projects – Knowledge and Cooperation for a New Development Model.

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