

NAUTILUS passes the baton


On October 7th, 2016, the gravitational wave antenna NAUTILUS (Nuova Antenna a Ultra bassa Temperatura per esplorare In Lontano Universo le Supernovae) has ended its long data collection started in February 2003.

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Growing little scientists

The National Laboratory of Frascati offered the students from the “T. C. Onesti” High School in Fermo a chance to work on one of its particle accelerators: the Beam Test Facility.

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Acceleration re-defined once again in Pisa

In 1589 the Italian scientist Galileo Galilei performed in Pisa his ground-breaking acceleration experiments, observing balls accelerating down a ramp. He timed the rolling balls by counting his heart beat, finding that the “the spaces traversed were to each other as the squares of the times”. Galileo’s results violated the ancient theory from Aristotles and a few years later Galieo’s contract as lecturer at Pisa University was not renewed. Nowadays school kids all over the world learn about acceleration with the famous formula from Galileo.

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Science Journalism @ Erice 2016

The seventh edition of the summer Erice International School of Science Journalism (EISSJC 2016) has now started in Sicily, at the Ettore Majorana Foundation, thanks to the support of the “Enrico Fermi” Centre for Study and Research, the INFN-National Laboratory of Frascati and the professional association Science Writers in Italy.

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