

Summer School 2018

Again this year the Frascati National Laboratories get ready to host about 100 high school students from all over Italy.

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Third appointment with SeminarIndustriali 2018

On the next 25th of June (10 a.m.), at National Laboratory of Frascati (LNF), it will be held a new date of SeminarIndustriali 2018, an initiative aiming at communicating the main innovations in the field of Technology Transfer and promoting the dialogue among the world of research, companies and society.

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A reflector for the Martian lander made in LNF

On the 5th of May at 4.05 am the NASA Martian lander InSight was successfully launched from the American Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. The event took place in the presence of researchers and Members of the space agencies of the countries participating in the mission, among which France, Germany, Switzerland and Italy.

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On the next 17th of May undergraduate students attending a scientific degree course are invited to participate in the event LNF & Undergraduate Students, a new initiative by INFN Frascati National Laboratories (LNF), aiming at orienting them on master thesis.

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SuperKEKB first collisions

On the 25th of April the SuperKEKB accelerator in the KEK Laboratory in Tsukuba, Japan, produced its first electron-positron collisions. The Belle II detector, installed in the interaction point of the two particle beams, observed the first events deriving from the electron-positron annihilation.

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Scholarships for undergraduate students

The Frascati National Laboratories provide undergraduate students with an opportunity to prepare their master degree thesis in Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics or Mathematics collaborating in one of the Laboratories’ research activity areas.

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