

LIMADOU flies!

On the 2nd of February at 8:51 am local time, from the Chinese base of “Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center” (Gobi desert, Inner Mongolia), it was launched the satellite carrying the “HEPD” (High Energic Particle Detector) particle detector built by the Italian researchers of the “LIMADOU Collaboration”, named after Matteo Ricci (missionary and explorer in China in the 16th century).

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The winning science of Italian school

On the 8th of February at 3 pm, in the Sala Aldo Moro of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and of International Cooperation, it was held the award ceremony of “Beamline for Schools – BL4S 2017”, in the frame of a special event devoted to Italian excellence in Physics.

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Strange quarks in the mirror

It was installed in Jlab laboratory, Virginia (USA) the first module of a detector, named RICH (Ring Imaging Cherenkov, that uses the highly directional light emission produced by the passage through transparent materials (radiators) of particles which – through that medium – propagate with a phase velocity higher than the one of light (Cherenkov effect). Here it started to operate on the electron accelerator with the highest energy, polarization and efficiency of the world.

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International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2018

It was held today at National Laboratory of Frascati an event addressed to students in their 4th or 5th year of high school, devoted to the theme of women in science, waiting for the International Day of Women and Girls in Science of the next 11th of February.

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A new technology for accelerators

LINACS (linear accelerators) are metallic structures powered by radio-frequency systems that allow to accelerate particle beams. They can be used in several fields of both research and industry such as injectors for light sources or colliders, free electron lasers-FELs, particle sources for experiments on fixed target, X-ray sources for radiotherapy or medical diagnostics, national security systems and material treatments.

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Industrial seminars 2018

It will start on Thursday, 8th of February, at National Laboratory of Frascati (LNF), a cycle of five seminars aiming at illustrating the main innovations in the field of Technology Transfer and designed as valuable opportunities for dialogue and exchange among the world of research, companies and society.

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From the 12th to the 16th of February it took place at LNF the INternational School on modern PhYsics and REsearch – INSPYRE, this year with the participation of 39 schools for a total of 89 applicants, 40 from Australia, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Portugal, Slovakia and UK, as well as 49 students from all over Italy. 

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International School of Science Journalism – 2018

The call for the 9th edition of the International School of Science Journalism of Erice (Eissj) opens today: 35 scholarships will be awarded to future journalists and science communicators, 30 for candidates from the European Union, 5 for applicants from the rest of the world.

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An e-learning portal for scientific dissemination

The relevant years of experience acquired by National Laboratory of Frascati in the dissemination field – especially in training activities for students and teachers – gave birth to a new instrument of scientific culture diffusion: the e-learning platform AccendiScienza.

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