Tag Archives: Evento scientifico
The Vcb puzzle: status and progress
The discrepancy between the inclusive and exclusive determination of Vcb is one of the unresolved puzzles in flavour physics. The interplay between theory prediction and experimental data is the key element to better understand the source of this discrepancy, and ultimately resolve it. In this talk, I will review the latest developments both from the theoretical and experimental point of view and the future prospects. Join Zoom Meetinghttps://infn-it.zoom.us/j/96498352862?pwd=K3ZoWHY3YnZDM3lEc3A1c3M2UTc2dz09Meeting ID: 964 9835 2862Passcode: 732651
Read More »Helioscope Searches for Axion Phenomenology
An ever-growing number of experiments is exploring the remaining axion parameter space, with the exciting prospect of discovering theoretically preferred QCD axion models. Focussing on helioscope searches, which employ strong magnetic fields to detect axions coming from the Sun, I will talk about the prospects for discovering axions, studying their properties and UV structure, as well as learning more about the Sun’s interior. I will explicitly demonstrate the latter based on simulated data for the upcoming helioscope experiment IAXO. Finally, I will conclude by discussing ongoing work on leveraging the complementarity of other experimental approaches after a discovery.
Read More »IRN Terascale @ Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
We are looking forward to welcoming you for the spring meeting of the IRN Terascale at LNF, April 15-17th 2024. Registration and abstract submission are not yet open. For any questions regarding the corresponding session, please contact the group conveners: Higgs Iro Koletsou, Nicolas Morange, Christophe Ochando, Pietro Slavich BSM Eric Chabert, Björn Herrmann, Romain Madar, Jérémie Quevillon Dark Universe Julien Masbou, Emmanuel Moulin, Kallia Petraki Methods and Tools Anja Butter, Samuel Calvet, Sabine Kraml More information at terascale.in2p3.fr
Read More »Natural SUSY, string landscape and implications for LHC
The emergence of the string landscape in the early 2000s provided a setting for Weinberg’s anthropic solution to the cosmological constant problem. But what does the landscape imply for LHC physics? Rather general considerations yield probability distributions for sparticle and Higgs boson masses where the Higgs mass peaks around 125 GeV and sparticles somewhat or well-beyond present LHC bounds.I briefly review the most promising LHC discovery channels to emerge from natural SUSY. Applying naturalness to the strong CP problem, we expect mainly axion dark matter to emerge, with a smattering of higgsino-like WIMPs. Join Zoom Meetinghttps://infn-it.zoom.us/j/97176607357?pwd=eDB1amh4Zmxmdm83RDF6SEJ0S2ZIQT09Meeting ID: 971 7660 7357Passcode: 908879
Read More »Terza Giornata Acceleratori
We are pleased to announce the 3rd Accelerator Days, that will be held in person at the Frascati National Labs of INFN – Via Enrico Fermi, 60 – Frascati (Rome) from the 4th to the 5th of April 2024.The “National Accelerator Day” is becoming a reference event for the whole Italian community of accelerator physics and technology experts. The 3rd edition will be hosted by the Frascati National Labs, and will provide a unique opportunity to share and discuss in person the new INFN initiatives and the ongoing projects, to present the new thematic networks established within the INFN-Accelerator participants and to deal with all the aspects related to the scientific and professional activity of a sector considered more and more as vital and strategic. The Directors of the INFN Labs and the most involved Units, the Scientific National Committees Presidents, as well as the President and the Executive Board of our Institute will participate in the discussion.Registration are closed.For the participation on site it is mandatory to be registered to the event and to show the badge.
Read More »Top and b mass effects in Higgs production at LHC
We consider the contribution of the top- and b-quark masses to the Higgs production cross section and to the Higgs pT distribution at LHC. Join Zoom Meetinghttps://infn-it.zoom.us/j/98020603520?pwd=VDJtenNIZWE1b0dZVC9mbmtpSUd6Zz09Meeting ID: 980 2060 3520Passcode: 338855
Read More »ITk OEC Integration Workshop
The meeting will be held at the Frascati National Laboratory of INFN, in the “Salvini room” (Bldg. 36, map).
Read More »GO-based nanocomposites: Structural, Electrical, and Optical Properties
This research involves producing GO using the Hummers method, generating a composite using GO and PVA, and analyzing these composites’ structural, optical, and electrical characteristics. The impact of thermal annealing on the structure and optical characteristics of GO/PVA materials at various concentrations were also investigated. The band gap value, specific resistance, and dielectric constant were all found to be well controlled by varying the thermal annealing temperature and the concentration of GO in this case. To study the effect of temperature on the physical properties of GO/PVA nanocomposite materials with different percentages, all samples were thermal annealed at temperatures of 40°C, 70°C, and 110°C. The exposure to gamma radiation-induced structural modifications in the GO/PVA composite was also studied. The prepared GO and GO/PVA nanocomposite films were subjected to gamma (γ) radiation at different doses (10, 500, and 1500 kGy) to analyze the effects on their structure and optical properties. The structural changes in the nanocomposites were analyzed using X-ray diffraction (XRD), allowing for the determination of any alterations resulting from exposure to radiation at different doses. Furthermore, elemental analysis was conducted using an energy-dispersive spectrometer (EDS) to gain insights into the elemental composition of the samples. The optical properties of the samples were investigated using ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis), Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR), Raman spectroscopy, and Scanning electron microscope (SEM). These analysis methods provided valuable information regarding any changes induced by gamma radiation.
Read More »AxionOrigins: towards a complete theory for the origin of the axion
This is the kickoff meeting of the PRIN 2022K4B58X project “AxionOrigins: towards a complete theory for the origin of the axion” (PI L. Di Luzio) which is a collaborative venture among INFN, University of Padua and Sapienza University of Rome. The meeting will be held in the Salvini Auditorium (Bldg. 36, access from LNF secondary entrance in Via E. Fermi, 60 – see map). (Talks by invitation only)You are welcome to download the conference poster here. Aim of the meeting:The aim of the meeting is to establish a collaborative network in association to the PRIN project AxionOrigins. The axion hypothesis, at the interface of particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology, is currently within the reach of experimental verification. However, almost half a century after the conception of the Peccei Quinn (PQ) mechanism, there is not yet a credible theory in which the PQ symmetry arises in a natural way (PQ origin problem). Moreover, the axion solution is notoriously fragile: possible ultraviolet contributions to the axion potential need to be extremely suppressed in order not to spoil the solution of the strong CP problem (PQ quality problem). AxionOrigins aims at identifying extensions of the Standard Model (SM) that incorporate a complete theory of the axion, providing a rationale both for the origin and quality of the PQ symmetry. These include model-building directions that integrate the axion framework with solutions of the SM flavour puzzle based on horizontal gauge symmetries, grand-unified theories and composite dynamics. Important dates: January 12, 2024 – Program announcement January …
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