
Tag Archives: Evento scientifico

Dark Matter: from freeze-in to gravitational production

Speaker: Davide Racco (U. Zurich and ETH Zurich) Various production mechanisms for dark matter complement the well-motivated option of freeze-out. The freeze-in scenario is viable for very weakly-coupled particles, which can be looked for in terrestrial experiments. I will discuss how this mechanism is cosmologically viable with respect to the curvature perturbations that it produces on large scales. Another minimal and unavoidable production mechanism for any dark sector is gravitational production during inflation. Its abundance today is determined by the evolution of the dark sector and its interactions during the early Universe. I will discuss as a prototypical example a model of dark QED with a massive mediator, showing how the preferred parameter space complements the one predicted from freeze-in. Finally, I will comment on the misalignment production mechanism for scalars like the axion, and the possible isocurvature constraints for that scenario.   Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 978 4597 0382 Passcode: 511907

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Going Beyond the Standard Paradigm

Speaker: Alberto Salvio (University of Rome and INFN Tor Vergata) The Standard Model of the strong and electroweak interactions (SM), together with Einstein’s general relativity (GR), is a very successful theory that explains all known interactions between observed particles, including the Higgs boson discovered in 2012. There is, however, no doubt that both the SM and GR need to be extended. I will review some of the most important arguments that show the necessity of extending this standard theory and mention some explicit extensions. I will also discuss what I think is a successful strategy for guessing the right path to go beyond such paradigm: designing models for a vast (possibly infinite) energy range, taking into account all observational bounds from both particle physics and astrophysics. One way to achieve this goal is to construct a viable and UV-complete relativistic field theory of all interactions, which I will illustrate at the end.   Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 916 5958 5504 Passcode: 439012

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Constraining majoron by Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

Speaker: Sougata Ganguly (Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science) In this talk, we will discuss the Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) constraint on the majoron in the mass range between to which dominantly decays into the standard model neutrinos. When the majoron lifetime is shorter than, the injected neutrinos mainly heat up background plasma, which alters the relation between photon temperature and background neutrino temperature. For a lifetime longer than, most of the injected neutrinos directly contribute to the protons-to-neutron conversion. In both cases, deuterium and helium abundances are enhanced, while the constraint from the deuterium is stronger than that from the helium abundance gets decreased as a consequence of additional neutrons, but the parameter range that fits the observed abundance is excluded by the deuterium constraint. We also estimate other cosmological constraints and compare them with the BBN bound.

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The effective theory of right-handed neutrinos at collider

The see-saw model is the minimal framework which is able to explain the observed pattern of neutrino masses and oscillations. Righthanded neutrinos around the GeV scale are an ideal target for high-energy and high-intensity experiments. While intense experimental efforts have deeply tested this hypothesis, there remain the possibility that the origin of the neutrino sector lies in a more involved theory beyond the Standard Model, whose effect at the electroweak scale can be parametrized in terms of effective operators involving Standard Model and right-handed neutrino fields. I will discuss the associated phenomenology and show the prospects for detecting right-handed neutrinos effective interactions at present and future experimental facilities.

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114th Plenary ECFA Meeting

We are pleased to announce the next ECFA meeting will be held in person at the Frascati National Labs of INFN on July 4 and 5, 2024.For any info please contact via e-mail: Servizio.Direzione@lists.lnf.infn.itPlease read the Wi-fi instructions before coming to LNF

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Solving Beautiful Puzzles

In the search for physics beyond the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics, heavy beauty particles provide important information. The large amount of data gathered by the B factories and the LHCb experiment allows testing the SM with high precision, probing scales much higher than the reach of direct searches at the LHC. But this can only be achieved by combining the data with precise and reliable theoretical predictions. We have already encountered instances where data and theory did not match: “puzzles”. These could be the first sign of a new interaction, or just a misinterpretation of the data. In this talk, I will discuss specifically the Vub puzzle and the anomalies we encounter in rare decays. I highlight the possibilities and challenges for inclusive decays and the opportunity to do such measurements at LHCb. Join Zoom Meeting ID: 976 2703 4866Passcode: 293509 

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First ECFA-INFN Early Career Researchers Meeting

A one-day event, by and for young researchers, organized by the Italian representatives of the ECFA Early Career Researcher (ECR) panel, aimed at bringing together for the first time the ECR Italian community on the occasion of the ECFA Plenary at LNF. The aim is to start a discussion about the future of our discipline, in the context of future accelerators and beyond, focusing on career paths and physics perspectives. Part of the event will be dedicated to building an Italian ECR network with the goal of informing, sparking discussion, and promoting constructive intergenerational dialogue ahead of the European Strategy. The organisation of a follow-up community event, planned for October, will also be discussed. Due to logistical considerations, only a few representatives per section have been invited, but the event is open to anyone who wishes to participate. Please register if you plan to attend online or in person. In the afternoon session, participants who wish to do so will be invited to present the activities of their laboratories in 2-3 slides that might be of interest for this meeting. The aim is to foster networking and awareness regarding the work of various groups, ideally having one representative per section. The idea is to have a series of flash presentations rather than a long list of contributions that would take up the entire day. Slides should be uploaded to the shared cernbox before Wednesday morning.

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QCD axion couplings at finite density

Speaker: Vincenzo Fiorentino (Padova Univ.) After reviewing the foundational aspects of quantum field theory at finite density, the talk will focus on themodifications of axion properties in systems at finite baryonic density. Those are especially relevant for highly dense stellar environments such as supernovae and neutron stars, which are typically employed to set stringent limits on axion couplings from anomalous stellar cooling. Specifically, we consider finite density modifications of axion couplings to nucleons within the framework of heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory and assess their consequences for astrophysical constraints on the axion parameter space. Moreover, we analyse the effect of finite density corrections on nucleophobic axion models, i.e. ultraviolet completions of the axion effective field theory in which the axion couplings to nucleons are suppressed. These models have the advantage of evading some of the astrophysical bounds on the axion parameter space. Since these bounds are obtained from highly dense systems, we question whether the nucleophobia condition is spoiled by finite density effects

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Axion emission from strange matter in core-collapse supernova events

The duration of the neutrino burst from the supernova event SN 1987A is known to be sensitive to exotic sources of cooling, such as axions radiated from the dense and hot hadronic matter thought to constitute the inner core of the supernova. We perform the first quantitative study of the role of hadronic matter beyond the first generation — in particular strange matter. We do so by consistently including the full baryon and meson octets, and computing axion emissivity induced from baryon-meson to baryon-axion scatterings as well as from baryon decays. We consider a range of supernova thermodynamic conditions, including equation-of-state models with different strangeness content, in order to make sure our results are robust. We obtain the first bound on the axial axion-strange-strange coupling, as well as the strongest existing bound on the axion-down-strange counterpart. Our bound on this coupling can be as small as O(10^−2) for the QCD axion, i.e. for an axion decay constant f_a = 10^9 GeV.  Join Zoom Meeting ID: 983 2014 7600Passcode: 392002 

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Present and future perspectives in Hadron Physics

The Workshop will be held in person from 17 to 19 June 2024, in Frascati (Italy) in the context of the project STRONG-2020 ( objective is to gather a broad Hadron Physics Community, including both young and experienced researchers. The first day will be dedicated to selected contributions. STRONG-2020 offers an opportunity to cover local and travel expenses for young researchers.During the second and third days, invited speakers will present their work and perspectives in various areas of Hadron Physics and related fields.  The Workshop will be followed by the STRONG-2020 Annual Meeting organized in Frascati on 20-21 June 2024 and open to a large audience. The Agenda will be soon available and the Registration is possible at the dedicated site here.   This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824093 

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