Tag Archives: Evento scientifico
Accidentally Light Scalars from Large Representations: Inflation and Gravitational Waves
Speaker: Giacomo Ferrante (Montpellier University) Due to the infamous quadratic sensitivity of their masses to the UV scale, it is notoriously difficult to realise models where elementary scalar fields are light. Accidentally light scalars provide us with an interesting alternative to the wellknown cases of Nambu-Goldstone bosons (NGBs) and pseudo-NGBs. In models with spontaneous symmetry breaking by scalar fields in large group representations, we observe that some of the scalar masses can be loop-suppressed, even though there is no obvious symmetry argument preventing them from being generated at the tree-level. I will present the most minimal model, the SU(2) five-plet, with such accidentally light scalars, featuring compact tree-level flat directions lifted by loop corrections. I will sketch some potential applications, focusing, in particular, on constructing a model of hybrid inflation where the inflaton is an accidentally light scalar. This provides a robust realisation of hybrid inflation where the potential is naturally flat and protected from radiative corrections. At the end of inflation, tachyonic instability leads to the production of gravitational waves which, for a low inflationary scale, might be detected by upcoming experiments. Simple variations of the model can give rise to topological defects, such as unstable domain walls. Their dynamics produces a stochastic gravitational-wave background, which can be compatible with the recent detection by pulsar timing arrays.
Read More »Two axions system, formalism and applications in cosmology
Speaker: Kristjan Müürsepp (NICPB, Tallinn, Estonia) A pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson (PNGB) coupled to a confining gauge group via an anomalous term is characterised, during the confining phase transition, by a temperature dependent mass. I will study the possibility that a PNGB coupled to a hidden gauge group undergoing confinement at a temperature different from the QCD confining temperature could hit a level crossing with the QCD axion. This can trigger axion-dark axion conversion. After describing the dynamics of the two axion system, I will address possible applications in cosmology.
Read More »Exploring the Strong Interaction of Three-Body Systems at the LHC
Speaker: Oton Vazquez Doce (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) The study of three- and many-body dynamics has been a long-standing goal in nuclear physics, particularly for understanding the structure of light nuclei and describing neutron-rich and dense nuclear matter. In this seminar, a new experimental method to study three-body nuclear systems by measuring correlations in the momentum space of deuteron-hadron pairs produced in proton-proton collisions at the LHC is presented. The ALICE Collaboration has performed measurements of the Kaon-deuteron and proton-deuteron correlations analyzing high-multiplicity proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV [1]. The correlation functions are compared with effective two-body calculations anchored to results from Kaon-deuteron and proton-deuteron scattering experiments that provide an excellent description of the measured Kaon deuteron correlation but fail to describe the proton-deuteron system. This discrepancy can only be resolved by performing a full three-body calculation that accounts for the underlying three-nucleon dynamics. The analysis demonstrates that nucleons are the explicit degrees of freedom also in the correlations among light nuclei produced at short distances in hadronic collisions and opens the possibility of investigating the effect of genuine many-body nuclear interactions at the LHC in the future, including systems with strangeness and charm. [1] ALICE Collaboration, Phys. Rev. X 14, 031051 (2024)
Read More »Science at the Luminosity Frontier: Jefferson Lab at 22 GeV
This workshop will focus on the continuing development of the scientific case for a 22 GeV upgrade to CEBAF made possible by recent novel advances in accelerator technology. CEBAF’s envisioned capabilities, at the highest luminosities, will enable exciting opportunities that give scientists the full suite of tools necessary to comprehensively understand how QCD builds hadronic matter in the valence region. Through this workshop, JLab and its user community will continue to build the science case with descriptions and concrete projections for experiments that would become possible with an upgrade. We encourage our users and others interested to submit talks and ideas on the scientific topics listed below. Physics Topics: Charmed and light hadron spectroscopy Structure of hadrons: Form Factors, Parton Distribution Functions, TMDs, GPDs, Fragmentation Functions, Fracture Functions QCD in Nuclei and associated Nuclear Modifications and Dynamics Low energy tests of the Standard Model and physics beyond the Standard Model
Read More »Fundamental research and applications with the EuPRAXIA facility at LNF
EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB is a cutting-edge research project that will be realized in the INFN Frascati National Laboratories in Italy, focusing on advanced accelerator technologies. It is part of the broader EuPRAXIA initiative, aimed at developing the world’s first plasma-based accelerator with user applications. Given the advance in the project development, we are focusing our effort on the potentiality of the new facility in a wide scientific perspective, including FEL applications, but extending to other fields in which our photon and particle sources can contribute. To this end, LNF is organizing a Workshop on “Fundamental research and applications with the EuPRAXIA facility at LNF”, to be held at Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati of INFN on December 4-6, 2024. The workshop will be articulated in three sessions. The first session will be devoted to the presentation of the EuAPS and EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB facilities, aimed at introducing the characteristics and peculiarities of the different sources that will be available in the next years in Frascati. The second session will explore a possible research program in the field of fundamental physics. The different beams that the facility will provide will allow to explore different areas of physical research, from nuclear processes (such as beta decay in plasma, fusion reactions among light nuclei in the laser-induced plasma, laser vs ECR induced plasma applications and potentialities for nuclear physics), to QED measurements and laboratory astrophysics. The third session will be devoted to photon science with FEL and betatron sources, such as high-resolution imaging and spectroscopy, enabling breakthroughs in …
Read More »Advances and Prospects in Feynman Integral Calculus for Precision Collider Physics
Speaker: Vsevolod Chestnov (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) The percent-level precision achieved by experiments at the LargeHadron Collider demands theoretical predictions of comparable accuracy, necessitating higher-order perturbative corrections to scattering amplitudes. Traditionally, these corrections are computed by reducing the Feynman integralexpansion of an amplitude to a finite basis of linearly independent elements, followed by numerical evaluation. However, multi-scale processes posesignificant computational challenges, motivating the development ofcomplementary approaches. In this talk, I will review recent advances in Feynman integral calculus, highlighting mathematical techniques rooted in algebraic geometry, finite fieldreconstruction, and twisted cohomology theory. I will also discuss alternativereduction strategies based on the so-called “transverse integration identities”and explore how these innovations can enhance traditional computational methods to address the demands of modern precision physics.
Read More »On the Origin of Neutrino Masses
Speaker: Pavel Fileviez Perez (Case Western Reserve University) The different theories for neutrino masses are discussed. We show possible connections between the origin of neutrino masses and the properties of dark matter candidates in new theories for physics beyond the Standard Model. We discuss minimal gauge theories for neutrino masses where the neutrinos are predicted to be Dirac or Majorana fermions. We find that the upper bound on the effective number of relativistic species provides a strong constraint in the scenarios with Dirac neutrinos. In the context of theories where the lepton number is a local gauge symmetry spontaneously broken at the low scale, the existence of dark matter is predicted from the condition of anomaly cancellation. We show that we could test simple gauge theories for neutrino masses at current or future experiments.
Read More »Secondo convegno nazionale del gruppo di lavoro Open Science della CoPER “Un lungo cammino: le nuove sfide della Scienza Aperta”
Un lungo cammino: le nuove sfide della scienza aperta Secondo convegno nazionale del gruppo di lavoro Open Science della CoPER Aula Bruno Touschek – Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN 27 Novembre, ore 14.00 -18.30 - 28 Novembre, ore 8.30 – 14.00 Pagina web https://agenda.infn.it/e/ConvegnoOpenscienceCoPER2024 Organizzazione Locale: Lia Sabatini, Irene Piergentili, Davide Cirillo, Antonino Cupellini, Roberto Campagnola, Giulia Chiaraluce (INFN – LNF) Giorgia Migliorelli, Sara Santorsa (CNR) Comitato Scientifico: Stefano Bianco (INFN), Anna Grazia Chiodetti (INGV), Mario Locati (INGV), Giovanni De Simone (CNR), Roberta Vigni (ISPRA), Paolo Valente (INFN) Il gruppo di lavoro Open Science della Consulta dei Presidenti degli Enti pubblici di ricerca (CoPER) – in collaborazione con il gruppo di lavoro Valutazione – organizza il suo secondo convegno nelle giornate del 27 e 28 novembre 2024 a Frascati presso i Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell’Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare. L’obiettivo del convegno è sia di fare il punto sul lavoro svolto e sulle prospettive a breve e medio termine, sia di realizzare collegamenti esterni a CoPER per stabilire o rafforzare sinergie nel complesso mondo della Scienza Aperta. Il gdl Open Science nasce nel dicembre 2021 per favorire il coordinamento sulla tematica della scienza aperta tra gli enti di ricerca e tra gli enti di ricerca e le università rappresentate dalla Conferenza dei rettori delle università italiane (CRUI). Il programma dei lavori adotta gli assi di intervento individuati dal Piano Nazionale Scienza Aperta – PNSA (accesso alle pubblicazioni scientifiche, valutazione della ricerca, Open Data). Il convegno prevede una sessione il pomeriggio del 27 novembre ed una sessione …
Read More »The November J/ψ Revolution after 50 years, with an outlook to the future
50 years ago, on 11 November 1974, the independent discovery was announced of an extremely narrow resonance at 3.1 GeV, respectively at the Brookhaven National Laboratory and at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre. The resonance was dubbed J in Brookhaven and ψ at SLAC, and it is since known as J/ψ. Soon after the news, the three experiments at the ADONE electron-positron collider of the Frascati Laboratory, pushing the machine beyond its nominal energy limit of 3.0 GeV, in the night between 13 and 14 November were able to observe the J/ψ. In the historical Physical Review Letters issued on 2 December 1974 the ADONE report appeared together with those announcing the momentous finding. In the morning of this one-day Meeting, the J/ψ discovery, together with the ADONE contribution and its deep impact on Particle Physics, will be recalled by protagonists. The afternoon will include an outlook to the future of Particle Physics and Accelerator Technology. The meeting will be accompanied by an exhibition of a large number of newspapers, magazines and TV footage that reported the news of the discovery at the time.
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