
Visit & Career Day 2018

The 2018 edition of the Visit & Career Day was held on the 16th of April. Once again the Frascati National Laboratories opened their doors to welcome students in their last year of high school, for a whole day dedicated to orientation – in terms of both university and job – with regard to STEM careers – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

This year almost 500 students from all over Italy took part in the initiative: divided into groups and guided by LNF researchers, technologists and technicians, they attended a series of lectures and visited the main Laboratories’ detectors and facilities. They also satisfied their curiosity through several information stands, taking the opportunity to meet representatives of the world of Research, University and Industry.

The event involved 18 different high schools, the Roman Universities of Sapienza, Tor Vergata and Roma Tre, the University of Ferrara, the GARR Consortium and the CAEN Corporation.

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Translation by Camilla Paola Maglione, Communications Office INFN-LNF