The recent analyses from ATLAS and CMS showed an anomalous excess of events in di-photon searches at an invariant mass of about 750 GeV. Even if more data are required to clarify the origin of these excesses, after reviewing the experimental results, I will give a brief overview of the possibile theoretical interpretations of this anomaly.
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ICFDT 2016
4th International Conference Frontiers in Diagnostic Technologies The aim of this interdisciplinary conference is to bring together different scientific communities, laboratory plasmas, astrophysics, nuclear particle physics, accelerators, lasers, medical equipments and industrial applications, to discuss diagnostic measurements and technologies with a view to defining new strategies of common interest. The conference is interdisciplinary and the most of the sessions are organized with tutorials and orals. The tutorials are aimed at keeping up-to-date information in the field of the session, in a form suitable also for not experts in the field, while the orals are dedicated to specific set of new results. Registration will be active from November 23th; deadline Wednesday 23 March 2016 Abstract Oral presentation deadline: Monday 15 February 2016 Abstract Poster presentation deadline: Tuesday 15 March 2016 The conference proceedings will be published on line by JINST (Journal of instrumentation) in the nonopen access option. The max number of pages of contributed papers to be published is set to 8 . the template of the papers to be included into the proceedings can be found in the website of JINST ( journal of instrumentation). The papers can be uploaded to the website or sent to The deadline for the presentation of the papers for the proceedings of the ICFDT4 is extended to 26 june 2016 .
Read More »Physics Beyond the Standard Model
New physics beyond the highly successful Standard Model is strongly motivated by a number of experimental observations in particle physics & cosmology. We explore the predictions of well-motivated models especially supersymmetric ones. The recently reported diphoton excess by ATLAS. & CMS experiments will be briefly discussed.
Read More »The role of alpha_{QED}(M_Z) at future e+e- colliders and prospects to improve its accuracy with low energy e+e- collider data
“Physics behind precision'' at future linear or circular colliders (ILC /FCC projects) require imporved input parameters. I will review the role alpha_{QED, eff} at future collider energies and report on possible progres from low energy machines. Besides "what physics can be discovered" with such FCC-ee option, we also would like to understand better how nature works when energies increase.
Read More »Measurement of hadronic cross-sections with CMD-3 at VEPP-2000
The first round of data taking with CMD-3 detector at VEPP-2000 e+e collider (BINP, Novosibirsk, Russia) was performed in 2011-2013. The CMD-3 is the general purpose particle detector, equipped by tracking system, two crystal (CSI and BGO) calorimeters, liquid Xe calorimeter, TOF and muon systems. The main goal of experiments at CMD-3 is the measurement of cross-sections and dynamics of exclusive modes of e+e- —> hadrons. In particular, these results provide important input for calculation of the hadronic contribution to the muons anomalous magnetic moment. Here we present the survey of results of analysis of data taken in 2011-2013, including modes of e+e- —> hadrons with up to 6 pions or 2 kaons in final state. About 60 1/pb were taken in the energy range from 0.32 to 2.0 GeV in c.m. The beam energy was continuously measured concurrently with the data taking using Compton backscattering. In 2016 VEPP-2000 resumed operations after upgrade with project luminosity of 1032cm2s-1 at 2 GeV.
Read More »Charged Particle Therapy and Nuclear Physics
The use of charged particles and nuclei in cancer therapy (hadrontherapy) is one of the most successful cases of application of nuclear physics to medicine. The physical advantages in terms of precision and selectivity, combined with the biological properties of densely ionizing radiation, make the charged particle approach an elective choice in a number of cases. Hadrontherapy is in continuous development and it is an interdisciplinary field where physicians, biologists and physicists contribute together. Indeed the role of physicists is still very important for the progress of Particle Therapy, and the purpose of this seminar is mainly to discuss those aspects where nuclear and particle physicists are presently active. A particular attention will be devoted to the problem of reducing the uncertainties on particle range. This problem is closely connected with the ability to achieve the promised precision. At present, uncertainties in particle range lead to the employment of safety margins, at the expenses of treatment quality. One of the research items in particle therapy is therefore aimed at developing methods to verify the particle range in patients. Non-invasive in-vivo monitoring of the particle range can be performed by detecting secondary radiation, emitted from the patient as a result of nuclear interactions of charged hadrons with tissue, including β+ emitters, prompt photons, and charged particles. Dedicated detector systems are being developed. The proposed approaches require reliable and precise Monte Carlo predictions and a dedicated research activity for the continuous improvement of existing models is also necessary.
Read More »LNF Mini-Workshop Series: The Detection of Gravitational Waves, toward a new era in astrophysics research
After 100 years from the formulation of the theory of general relativity by Albert Einstein, gravitational waves have been finally observed on September 14, 2015 as a transient signal by the two detectors of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, LIGO. In this mini-workshop the results by LIGO and VIRGO collaborations will be presented, together with a historical review of gravitational wave detectors. Future implications of gravitational waves observation in astrophysics will be also discussed.
We discuss models for inflation in the framework of supergravity. The embedding of the Starobinsky model and the relevance of non-linear representations(nilpotent super fields)to describe De Sitter phases in cosmology are presented.
Read More »1) Precision Diboson Observables for the LHC – 2) Photon Jets
1) Precision Diboson Observables for the LHC Motivated by the restoration of SU(2)×U(1) at high energy, we suggest that certain ratios of diboson differential cross sections can be used as high-precision observables at the LHC. We rewrite leading-order diboson partonic cross sections in a form that makes their SU(2)×U(1)and custodial SU(2) structure more explicit than in previous literature, and identify important aspects of this structure that survive even in hadronic cross sections. We then focus on higher-order corrections to ratios of γγ, Zγ and ZZ processes, including full next-to-leading-order corrections and gg initial-state contributions, and argue that these ratios can likely be predicted to better than 5%, which should make them useful in searches for new phenomena. The ratio of Zγ to γγ is especially promising in the near term, due to large rates and to exceptional cancellations of QCD-related uncertainties. 2) Photon Jets Photon Jets are beams of collimated photons that may appear as a single (poorly isolated) photon to calorimeters at LHC. Several recent articles suggested that the recent 750 GeV excess at LHC may be explained as pairs of Photon Jets rather than pairs of photons. I will briefly introduce the excess and then proceed to highlight some of the tools that we might find useful to discriminate between photons, neutral pion rich hadronic jets and Photon Jets.
Read More »Non-interferometric experimental tests of macroscopic spatial quantum superposition
Abstract: Is quantum superpostion an exact principle of nature? Recent progress in technological developments allow to explore the quantum properties of very complex systems, bringing the question of whether also macroscopic systems share such features, within experimental reach. It seems feasible to generate for instance quantum superposition states of particles of mass of one million amu (atomic mass unit) [1]. The interest in such experiments is increased by the fact that, on the theory side, some suggest that the quantum superposition principle is not exact, departures from it being the larger, the more macroscopic the system [2]. We will report on new ideas to experimentally test the superposition principle with non-interferometric methods. Testing the superposition principle intrinsically also means to test suggested extensions of quantum theory. For instance collapse models predict a heating effect, which results in a Brownian-like random motion of any isolated particle in space. The heating can be monitored using optomechanical systems even in the classical regime, if competing sources of heat can be reduced sufficiently. We will emphasise levitated optomechanical systems and discuss the possibility to test the heating effect by detecting the motion of the particle in space [4] as well as in the frequency domain where heating is manifested as increase of the spectral feature [5]. We will show quantitative calculations for experiments in both regimes and compare to the state-of-the-art. We will also report on the status of our experiments on optical levitation and parametric feedback cooling of the 3d motion …
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