In the past 40 years, calorimeters have developed into the most important detectors for experiments in particle physics, especially at colliders. In this talk, I will briefly review this development, and discuss options for future experiments. I will also elaborate on a number of rather common misconceptions about these, in many ways, still somewhat mysterious instruments.
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Epigenetica, una nuova prospettiva
Il mini workshop verterà sui seguenti argomenti: a) l’epigenetica nelle relazioni ambiente salute come nuovo e definitivo paradigma di completamento della classica etiopatogenesi; b) la mindfulness come modificatore positivo nella logica del benessere psicofisico e agente di cambiamento dei circuiti sinaptici.
Read More »Operator Algebras and Quantum Field Theory Dedicated to the memory of John E. Roberts
The workshop is aimed at presenting recent results on mathematically rigorous approaches to quantum field theory, with particular regard to the interfaces with the theory of Operator Algebras. The work of our friend and colleague John E. Roberts was paramount in establishing a fruitful and decades-long connection between these research subjects, within which he continued to give seminal contributions throughout his life. We dedicate the workshop to his memory. The workshop is an activity that fits within the INDAM-CMTP-INFN Intensive Period "Mathematics and Physics at the Crossroad" and is also financed by the ERC Advanced Grant "QUEST – Quantum algebraic structures and models" (P.I. Roberto Longo). Invited speakers: M. Bischoff, D. Buchholz, S. Carpi, S. Doplicher, C. Fewster, K. Fredenhagen, V. Jones, V. Kac, B. Kay, Y. Kawahigashi, G. Lechner, N. Pinamonti, C. Pinzari, S. Popa, K.H. Rehren, E. Shuryak, M. Weiner, F. Xu Organizers: D. Guido, R. Longo, G. Morsella, G. Ruzzi
Read More »About the diphoton excess at ATLAS and CMS
I will review in this talk the current status of the excess found by ATLAS and CMS in the diphoton channel at a mass of 750 GeV. The first part of the talk is a model independent discussion about the properties of this excess, and the constraints from the non-observation of other excesses is summarised. In the second part of the talk, an overview about possible interpretations in terms of models for new physics is given. The focus will be here on weakly coupled ideas.
Read More »Recent progress in understanding deconfinement and chiral symmetry breaking transitions
While the crucial role of gauge topology was recognized from 1970’s, confinement was associated with monopoles and chiral symmetry breaking with instantons. Recognizing presence of non-zero holonomy, van Baal and others discovered splitting of the instantons into their constituents — the instanton-dyons. Several groups now work out properties of their ensembles, which generate both the deconfinement and chiral phase transitions in QCD-like theories. Introducing variable phases for quark periodicity conditions — known as flavor holonomies — one can switch fermion coupling to different dyons, and thus dramatically change both the order and temperature of both transitions. First lattice studies of modified — so called $Z_N$-symmetric QCD — have also found these effects.
Read More »LISA Pathfinder, first step to observing gravitational waves from space
Observation of gravitational waves (g.w.) in the mHz region is extremely promising for the wealth of sources and processes that can be studied. That frequency region is only accessible from space, and that is the motivation of the ESA mission eLISA, scheduled for the mid 2030’s. We will report, fresh after disclosure, on the first results of the space experiment LISA Pathfinder, a feasibility demonstrator, flying now and performing tests of free fall and related technologies.
Read More »What is Time?
“If nobody ask me what is time I think I know, but if somebody ask me I don’t know what to say” (Sant`Agostino). Still now “time is the most mysterious quantity of Physics” (Greenberger). I do think that the description of time evolution in ALL fundamental equation of physics is inadequate. In this seminar I will explain why and I will outline a possible solution for this fundamental problem, which gives also a precise meaning to the time-energy uncertainty relation and generalizes the Caldirola “cronon” concept eliminating the self-acceleration solutions of the equation of motion of a free electron.
Read More »LNF Mini-Workshop Series: Development of novel detectors at LNF
The Frascati Laboratories have a long and outstanding expertise in detectors development and construction. Through the years these detectors have been successfully installed on many apparatus,in Frascati and in others High Energy and Nuclear Physics Laboratories. In this workshop some of the most recent novel technologies developed at LNF will be reported by our youngest colleagues: these technologies are suitable not only for general purpose collider detectors and dark matter searches, but also for astrophysics, medical and industrial applications.
Read More »The physics of Binary Neutron Star merger from general relativistic numerical simulations.
In this talk I will focus on the physics of Binary Neutron Stars merger obtained from numerical simulations of the Einstein equations coupled to matter. The results are obtained using a semi-realistic descriptions of the equation of state (EOS), where the EOS is described by a seven-segment piece-wise polytropic and a thermal component. One of the important characteristics of the present investigation is that it is entirely performed using only publicly available open source software, the Einstein Toolkit for the dynamical evolution and the LORENE code for the generation of the initial models. After the gravitational-wave event GW150914, observed by the LIGO/Virgo collaboration, the new eve of Gravitational Wave physics has just began and it is clear that accurate modelling of the gravitational wave signal emitted by compact binary sources will play a prominent role. In particular I will present results for the gravitational wave-signal obtained from three-dimensional numerical simulations of the dynamics of binary neutron star (BNS) mergers from the late stage of the inspiral process up to about 20 ms after the system has merged, either to form a hyper-massive neutron star (NS) or a rotating black hole (BH).
Read More »Strangeness, Gravitational waves and neutron stars
ONE DAY MEETING Strangeness, Gravitational waves and neutron stars 10 June 2016 INFN-LNF Aula di Direzione (Ed. 1) The meeting is centred on the most recent developments and findings in the strangeness physics, in particular the possible role of strangeness in neutron stars, on the discovery of gravitational waves and on the future of these fields, considering that a copious source of gravitational waves are expected to be the binaries of neutron stars. Combining the theoretical and experimental findings in these sectors will allow a better and more accurate understanding of the involved processes, at the crossroad between strong interaction and general relativity. Organizers: Catalina Oana Curceanu, Maria Paola Lombardo Speakers include: Omar Benhar (INFN Sapienza), Ignazio Bombaci (Univ. e INFN Pisa), Alessandro Drago (Univ. e INFN Ferrara, Italy) Viviana Fafone (ToV), Alessandra Feo (Univ. Perugia), Massimo Mannarelli (LNGS), Kristian Piscicchia (LNF-INFN e Centro Fermi, Roma), Jacobus Verbaarschot (SUNY),
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