
Tag Archives: Evento scientifico

Workshop on HighLumi-LHC and Hadron Colliders

The Workshop on HighLumi-LHC and Hadron Colliders will be held in the Bruno Touschek Auditorium (Bldg. 36, access from LNF secondary entrance in Via E. Fermi, 60 – see map). Inspired by the MCWS organised at LNF on the eve of LHC, and motivated by the 2025-2026 Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics, we present some topical workshops on future colliders, focused on the opportunities and challenges, both theoretical and experimental, with the goal of informing and blending Italian researchers (of any age bracket) with different backgrounds. Each event will be staged at LNF, which is the birthplace of collider physics and is endowed with large meeting facilities and, beyond the MCWS mentioned above, has a long tradition of events characterised by a strong interaction between theorists and experimenters. Each event will start off with an elementary introduction to the workshop main topics, to be followed by focused talks on specific themes. The setting and the audience will be at the national level, although lecturers may be chosen among world-wide experts. We will start with a workshop on HighLumi-LHC and Hadron Colliders on 1-2-3-4 October 2024, to be followed by a workshop on e+e- Colliders in January 2025, and by workshop(s) on Muon Collider and new horizons, on dates to be defined. The workshop in October will be preceded by a community event dedicated to Early Career Researchers, organized by the Italian members of the ECFA ECR Panel ( Building on the success of the first event held on July 3rd (, this session will …

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2nd ECFA-INFN Early Career Researchers Meeting

There is a strong desire to discuss the future and be included in the process that will shape the next era in high-energy physics. This is a unique opportunity for INFN Early Career Researchers (ECR) to influence the direction of future research and policy, influencing the European Strategy for Particle Physics (ESPP). The event will begin the first day with an introductory talk on proposed future colliders and will then delve into related activities (accelerators, detectors, physics programs) as well as beyond-ECFA topics (as these are also involved in the ESPP). The second day will be dedicated to building an Italian ECR network, aiming to inform, spark discussion, and promote the possibility of a written contribution to the ESPP from Italian ECRs. This community event is dedicated to INFN ECRs and is organized by the Italian members of the ECFA ECR Panel, building on the success of the first event held. Poster Session: Participants who wish to do so are invited to present a poster about their activities or a review of their lab’s activities. Given the heterogeneous nature of the event, the goal of these contributions should be to share information with individuals from other fields. The aim is to foster networking and raise awareness of the work being done by various groups. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: 23 SEPTEMBER 2024 The ECR meeting will be followed by a “Workshop on HighLumi-LHC and Hadron Colliders” focused on the opportunities and challenges, both theoretical and experimental, with the goal of informing and blending …

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New Physics in B decays: bugs or features?

Speaker: Marco Fedele (Valencia Univ.) In the last decade, several measurements have been hinting at the possibility of Beyond Standard Model physics in B decays. Some of these observables have stayed “anomalous” after several experiments released multiple measurements of such quantities, while others have recently suffered a different fate. In this seminar I will recap the current status of experimental anomalies, critically reviewing the theoretical description of these observables in the Standard Model. I will therefore identify which are the quantities with the highest probability of being affected by New Physics, and which are the ones that on the other hand do not require an extension of the SM any longer.  

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Going Beyond the Standard Paradigm

Speaker: Alberto Salvio (University of Rome and INFN Tor Vergata) The Standard Model of the strong and electroweak interactions (SM), together with Einstein’s general relativity (GR), is a very successful theory that explains all known interactions between observed particles, including the Higgs boson discovered in 2012. There is, however, no doubt that both the SM and GR need to be extended. I will review some of the most important arguments that show the necessity of extending this standard theory and mention some explicit extensions. I will also discuss what I think is a successful strategy for guessing the right path to go beyond such paradigm: designing models for a vast (possibly infinite) energy range, taking into account all observational bounds from both particle physics and astrophysics. One way to achieve this goal is to construct a viable and UV-complete relativistic field theory of all interactions, which I will illustrate at the end.   Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 916 5958 5504 Passcode: 439012

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Putting it all together: what we can learn from BSM global fits

Speaker: Anders Kvellestad (University of Oslo) When we try to navigate the theory space for physics beyond the Standard Model, we need to utilise all the information we can from a wide range of particle and astroparticle experiments. This is the task of BSM global fits — large-scale analyses that confront BSM theories with all relevant experimental data in a statistically rigorous way. In this talk I will discuss why BSM global fits are challenging but important, give an overview of the GAMBIT global fit tool, and show results from some recent GAMBIT studies.

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Low-energy avenues for light dark matter searches

Speaker: Angelo Esposito (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) Following negative results in standard WIMP searches, increasing attention has been devoted to models of dark matter with masses in the sub-MeV range. For such masses, the typical momentum and energy transferred by the dark matter to our detectors is such that the most likely signatures of its passage is given by the emission of collective excitations. I will describe two possible ways to look for dark matter this way: superfluid He-4 for spin-independent interactions and anti-ferromagnets for spin-dependent ones. In particular, I will argue that a powerful tool to describe the interaction between dark matter and collective excitations is that of effective field theories for spontaneously broken spacetime symmetries. In this framework, the collective modes are nothing but Goldstone bosons, and their interactions with dark matter (and among themselves) are completely dictated by symmetry, together with a handful of effective coefficients. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 969 7560 4651 Passcode: 116503

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This hybrid meeting brings together the GAMBIT Community to discuss and continue work on global fits for Beyond-the-Standard-Model theories. We summarise the status of recently completed and ongoing projects of the various GAMBIT working groups, improve the GAMBIT software code in dedicated coding sessions, review the GAMBIT Community policies, and discuss interesting future directions in light of current developments in the field. We encourage interested researchers at LNF and beyond to join us to learn more about GAMBIT and how to connect it to their own research. Organizing Committee Sebastian Hoof (Padova Univ. & INFN Padova, IT) Anders Kvellestad (Oslo Univ., NO) Federico Mescia (INFN-LNF, IT) Enrico Nardi (INFN-LNF, IT & NICPB Tallinn, EE) Martin White (Adelaide Univ., AU)

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Constraining majoron by Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

Speaker: Sougata Ganguly (Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science) In this talk, we will discuss the Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) constraint on the majoron in the mass range between to which dominantly decays into the standard model neutrinos. When the majoron lifetime is shorter than, the injected neutrinos mainly heat up background plasma, which alters the relation between photon temperature and background neutrino temperature. For a lifetime longer than, most of the injected neutrinos directly contribute to the protons-to-neutron conversion. In both cases, deuterium and helium abundances are enhanced, while the constraint from the deuterium is stronger than that from the helium abundance gets decreased as a consequence of additional neutrons, but the parameter range that fits the observed abundance is excluded by the deuterium constraint. We also estimate other cosmological constraints and compare them with the BBN bound.

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The effective theory of right-handed neutrinos at collider

The see-saw model is the minimal framework which is able to explain the observed pattern of neutrino masses and oscillations. Righthanded neutrinos around the GeV scale are an ideal target for high-energy and high-intensity experiments. While intense experimental efforts have deeply tested this hypothesis, there remain the possibility that the origin of the neutrino sector lies in a more involved theory beyond the Standard Model, whose effect at the electroweak scale can be parametrized in terms of effective operators involving Standard Model and right-handed neutrino fields. I will discuss the associated phenomenology and show the prospects for detecting right-handed neutrinos effective interactions at present and future experimental facilities.

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114th Plenary ECFA Meeting

We are pleased to announce the next ECFA meeting will be held in person at the Frascati National Labs of INFN on July 4 and 5, 2024.For any info please contact via e-mail: Servizio.Direzione@lists.lnf.infn.itPlease read the Wi-fi instructions before coming to LNF

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