We formulate some first fundamental elements of an approach for assessing the logarithmic accuracy of parton-shower algorithms based on two broad criteria: their ability to reproduce the singularity structure of multi-parton matrix elements, and their ability to reproduce logarithmic resummation results. We illustrate our approach by considering properties of two transverse-momentum ordered final-state showers, examining features up to second order in the strong coupling. In particular we identify regions where they fail to reproduce the known singular limits of matrix elements. The characteristics of the shower that are responsible for this also affect the logarithmic resummation accuracies of the shower, both in terms of leading (double) logarithms at subleading colour number and next-to-leading (single) logarithms at leading colour number.
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Development and testing of particle detector technology for high-energy experiments
Frontier measurements in high-energy heavy-ion collision experiments re- quire challenging developments for detector technologies. For instance, the CERN LHC (Large Hadron Collider) plans of eventually reaching an interac- tion rate of 50 kHz for Pb-Pb collisions require the upgrade of the two ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) main tracking devices, namely the ITS (In- ner Tracking System) and the TPC (Time Projection Chamber). The ALICE ITS upgrade is primarily focused on improving the performance for detection of heavy-flavor hadrons, and of the thermal photons and low-mass dileptons emitted by the QGP (Quark Gluon Plasma). In order to fulfill such physics programs, the current silicon detectors will be fully replaced with a new, high- resolution, multi-layered, low-material, 12.5 GigaPixel system based on CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor) MAPS (Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors) technology, which is expected to enhance vertexing and tracking at low transverse momenta (pT ), radiation hardness and read-out capabilities. This work presents an overview of MAPS technologies for high-energy experiments, with emphasis on the ITS upgrade case. Keywords: Silicon pixel detectors; MAPS; ITS; High-Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions.
Read More »Autumn Institute 2019: Directional Sub-GeV Dark Matter Detection
Aim of the meeting: This informal meeting is intended for extensive discussions on directional signals for sub-GeV dark matter particles detection via scattering off electrons. Seminars: Tuesday 17/09 11:00am: Elisabetta Baracchini (GSSI, L’Aquila) “Overview of the International CYGNUS Collaboration Project and of the Italian CYGNO/INITIUM Effort” Tuesday 17/09 14:30pm: Christopher McCabe (King’s College, London) “Overview of the Direct Detection of Light Dark Matter” Wednesday 18/09 11:00am: Ciaran A. J. O’Hare (Zaragoza U., Zaragoza) “An Introduction to Directional Detection” Wednesday 18/09 14:30pm: Timon Emken (Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg) “How Scatterings affect the Dark Matter Velocity Distribution in the Laboratory”
Read More »Physics and Philosophy of the Future: the Flow of Time between Physics and Metaphysics
Aim of the meeting: The concept of time has always been a topic of great interest and exploration in both physics and philosophy: time scans our experience of the world and is the foundation of our consciousness. We propose an afternoon to discuss the flow of time between physics and metaphysics with researchers active in both fields. In particular, from the philosophical viewpoint, we shall debate the nature of the future as well as possible time travels. Physics wise, it will be investigated the nature of time in relativity and how the quantum theory of gravity and space-time can help the understanding of the fundamental structure of the universe. Program Thursday July 11 14:30 Samuele Iaquinto (Milan Univ.) “On the Nature of the Future” 15:15 Giuliano Torrengo (Milan Univ.) “Time Travels between Physics and Philosophy” 16:00 – 16:30 Coffee Break 16:30 Daniele Oriti (MPI Potsdam & LMU Munich) “Time from Classical Relativistic Physics toward Quantum Gravity” 17:30 Discussion
Read More »PROGETTO ADAMO – Workshop “S. Nicola in Carcere”
Nell’ambito del progetto ADAMO (Tecnologie di Analisi, Diagnostica e Monitoraggio per la Conservazione e Restauro di Beni Culturali) del Distretto Tecnologico Beni e Attività Culturali Centro di Eccellenza della Regione Lazio, sono state realizzate diverse campagne di misura in concomitanza con il cantiere di restauro nella Basilica di San Nicola in Carcere a Roma. Le misure diagnostiche hanno riguardato l’identificazione dei materiali pittorici dell’affresco absidale di Vincenzo Pasqualoni mediante tecniche di spettroscopia e imaging e l’analisi del biodegrado e infiltrazioni d’acqua. Il workshop prevede una parte dedicata alla presentazione dei risultati preliminari ottenuti da vari gruppi di ricerca che hanno preso parte alle misure ed una parte di discussione insieme ai restauratori e agli storici dell’arte. Al termine della riunione sarà possibile visitare il laboratorio di luce di sincrotrone DAFNE-L, facility del progetto ADAMO.
Read More »Consiglio di Laboratorio – Preventivi 2020
The Impact of Galactic Astrophysical Uncertainties on the Reconstruction of Dark Matter Properties.
The distribution of Dark Matter in galaxies is one remarkable output of structure formation in a cosmological context, and an important input for the searches of the nature of Dark Matter. In this talk, I will present the results of recent, fully data-driven analysis of the determination of the Dark Matter content in the Milky Way. I will also show how the uncertainties obtained with this observation-driven approach affect the interpretation of direct and indirect searches, and eventually the searches for the very nature of the Dark Matter.
Read More »The experimental particle physics program in Centro CientÌfico Tecnologico de Valparaiso in UTFSM.
During the last decade Universidad TÈcnica Federico Santa MarÌa (UTFSM) successfully took the leading role in developing experimental particle physics in Chile. During that period a solid team of experimental physicists has been formed. Our group is actively participating in several international collaborative projects including the ATLAS in CERN, MINERvA in Fermilab and CLAS/CLAS12 as well as GlueX in Jefferson Lab. Apart from active scientific research our group has successfully developed several hardware and software related projects in close collaboration with colleagues from the areas of mechanical, electronic and informatics engineering from our university as well as from other Chilean and foreign universities. At the same time, we succeeded in creating a multifunctional laboratory and computational facilities mainly in the base of Centro Cientifico Tecnologico de ValparaÌso (CCTVal), a research center in UTFSM. In the presentation I will focus mainly on CCTVal’s participation to JLab’s scientific program.
Read More »Search of electric dipole moments of charged particles in storage rings
The Electric Dipole Moment (EDM) of elementary particles, including hadrons, is considered as one of the most powerful tools to study CP-violation beyond the Standard Model. Such CP-violating mechanisms are searched for to explain the dominance of matter over anti-matter in our universe. Up to now EDM experiments concentrated on neutral systems, namely neutrons, atoms and molecules. Storage rings offer the possibility to measure EDMs of charged particles by observing the influence of the EDM on the spin motion. A step-wise approach to the measurement of the proton EDM, starting with a proof-of-principle experiment at the existing storage ring Cooler Synchrotron COSY at Forschungszentrum Jülich, followed by an electrostatic prototype ring allowing for a simultaneous operation of counter circulating beams in order to cancel systematic effects, to the design of a dedicated 500 m circumference storage ring will be presented.
Read More »Effective field theories for lepton dipole moments: updates and applications
The status of the research on effective field theories for lepton dipole moments will be reviewed. Standard Model Effective Field Theories (SMEFTs) at high and low energies will be reviewed in light of current and future bounds from experiments on lepton flavour violation. In addition, some modern techniques for multi-loop computations in SMEFTs will be reviewed and applications to ultra-violet complete theories will be shown
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