The SESAME (Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East) light source, the first regional laboratory for the Middle East located at Allan in Jordan, was officially opened the 16th of May 2017. The INFN-Frascati National Laboratory (LNF) has been involved in different activities related to the construction and training of the staff of this important facility.
LNF has managed the funding made available for the SESAME project by the Italian Government, through the MIUR, for three relevant contributions: the construction of the Elettra type accelerating cavities, the realization of a new silicon drift detector for the x-ray beam line and the guest house in Allan. An Italian company under the supervision of the Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste has realized the cavities now installed at SESAME; a high-resolution silicon drift detector developed by INFN in Trieste will be installed at SESAME in the next months and close to the synchrotron building very soon there will be the guest house for the users of SESAME.
LNF is also actually involved in the OPEN SESAME EU project that includes as key objectives the training of SESAME staff in the storage ring and beamline instrumentation technology and the build-up of human capacity in SESAME Region researchers to optimally exploit this infrastructure. In particular LNF will organize at Allan a thematic training school on Life Science and IR Micro-Spectroscopy to train young researchers from the Middle East in the techniques of Fourier transform infra-red (FT-IR) spectroscopy, micro-spectroscopy and imaging of biological materials.