On Thursday 15th of June, INFN National Laboratory of Frascati, in collaboration with the Roman INFN Sections, organizes an open day of encounter between enterprises and fundamental research.
This day aims to in-depth analysis and debate among the protagonists of the technology and innovation system about the main topics of research.
A moment in which research offer and demand for innovation join up to discover and acquire new ideas, projects and strategic partners, creating a real chance of cooperation and business opportunity.
Local institutions will be speaking, represented by Prof. Guido Fabiani, councilor for Production Activities and Economic Development, to present the funding opportunities for Technology Transfer projects.
Some examples of Technology Transfer between INFN and private companies will be illustrated, in order to discuss the next opportunities of collaboration among research institutes and private subjects at a round-table involving Institutions (Regione Lazio, Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and of International Cooperation), Confindustria and some companies that are already INFN partners.
Contacts: ttlnf@lists.lnf.infn.it (Contacts for LNF Technology Transfer)