The beauty of science is the protagonist once again. The winners of the 2018 edition of Global Physics Photowalk have been announced on 30th September. It is an international contest which welcomes both professional and amateur photographers to the major laboratories around the world, suggesting them to capture protagonists and typical moments of life in a research centre.
The classification, that was made public during the ASTC annual conference in Hartford, Connecticut (USA), includes three Italian pictures, all taken at INFN headquarters, particularly at Frascati National Laboratories and Gran Sasso National Laboratories.
Luca Riccioni got the first place according to popular vote, with an image of KLOE2 from Frascati National Laboratories, a detector devoted to studying the origin of the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe.
Then the expert jury made by photographers, scientists and communicators, awarded the second place to Stefano Ruzzini’s picture, a cleaver representation of the symmetry of a silicon strip detector present at LNF.
Lastly, the third place goes to Gianluca Micheletti, whose picture portrays a researcher in front of Xenon1T, a Gran Sasso National Laboratories experiment aimed at dark matter search.
Read the INFN press release
Translation by Camilla Paola Maglione, Communications Office INFN-LNF