
STRONG-2020: the new European project at the forefront of strong interaction studies

The INFN Frascati National Laboratories participate to the STRONG-2020 project, a new European Integrating Activity for Advanced Community within the European Horizon-2020 – Research and Innovation Framework Programme. STRONG-2020 is a structured enterprise to address the open questions in the strong interaction studies in theory and experiment, building upon and going beyond the previous Hadron Physics HP, HP2 and HP3 projects in the framework programmes of FP6 and FP7. Financed with 10 ME, STRONG-2020 has started on 1st of June 2019 and will have a four year duration.

STRONG-2020 brings together many of the European leading research groups and infrastructures, among which Frascati Laboratories, presently involved in the forefront research in strong interaction. It provides transnational access to six world-class research infrastructures in Europe, which complement each other in particle beams characteristics (COSY, MAMI, LNF-INFN, ELSA, GSI, CERN) and virtual access to open-source codes and automated/simulation tools.

The STRONG-2020 Consortium includes 44 participant institutions, among which INFN, embracing 14 EU Member States, one International EU Interest Organization (CERN) and one EU candidate country (Montenegro). Together with non-beneficiary host institutions of other 21 countries, STRONG-2020 involves research in 36 countries. The project is structured in 32 Work Packages (WP): Project Management and Coordination, Dissemination and Communication, 7 Transnational Access Activities, 2 Virtual Access Activities, 7 Networking Activities and 14 Joint Research Activities. LNF-INFN take active part in 10 of the WPs, leading 4 of them.

The STRONG-2020 results will have a significant impact in the study of the strong interaction and the Standard Model (SM) of the particle physics. The tools and methodologies for the new-cutting-edge experiments within STRONG-2020 will provide upgrades to the European Research Infrastructures, such as LNF-INFN, enhancing their competitiveness. The developed technologies will also impact in medicine (diagnostic tools, cancer treatment) and industry (line-scan cameras, 3D-magnets technology) and may also lead to advances in computing/machine learning.

STRONG-2020 will promote training and education activities at Frascati, including students and postdocs, which will bring qualified personnel to the job market, as well as dissemination activities at current state of the art in science communication (Catalina Curceanu).