
70 High school students at INSPYRE 2017

From February 13th to the 17th, the National Laboratory of Frascati is hosting the 7th edition of INSPYRE – International School on Modern Physics and Research. This year the topic of this international school for High School students from all over Europe is the Space Frontier.

INSPYRE first started in 2011 with a small group of mostly Italian students, and it is now grown to see the participation of 70 students in their last years of High School from 7 European countries (Italy, France, Germany, UK, Norway, Belgium and Romania).
Italian students attend the stage in an Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro internship modality, since the introduction of mandatory internships in Italian High Schools.

The programme of 5 days includes lectures from internationally renowned physicists and group work at the LNF experiments with our researchers, technicians and technologists, all in English.
This edition’s group work is focused on the following topics: Gravitational Waves, Planck constant determination and Quantum Mechanics, Diagnostics and preservation of Cultural Heritage, Atoms, X-rays and Synchrotron Radiation, Dafne Control Room activities, Bionanotechnologies.
The international and multicultural learning environment and the exchange of ideas among participants with different backgrounds represents the truly remarkable feature of this Stage, that every year gives students a chance to learn more about Modern Physics and the work environment of a research facility.