The MDISim toolkit is used to evaluate and characterize the beam-gas induced background in the FCC-ee Interaction Region. MDISim allows a full characterization of this beam background source with the locations where the beam-gas scattering occurs as well as the loss points, as a function of different vacuum conditions and composition, for the nominal optics and parameters.
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Advanced Accelerator & Radiation Physics: PolyCO based Collaborations
Since 2011 the international seminar AARP has been organized as series of the meetings dedicated to frontiers topics in fundamental and applied research associated to new techniques of beam acceleration, novel powerful radiation sources and applications based on radiation physics. This seminar is devoted to the discussion within various XlabF projects and collaborations based on the physics of polycapillary x-ray optics and its applications.
Read More »SeminarIndustriali 2018 – THz per Applicazioni Scientifiche e Trasferimento Tecnologico
L’INFN e i Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati portano avanti una intensa attività di ricerca tecnologica i cui prodotti, oltre che nella ricerca fondamentale, trovano applicazione in diversi campi di interesse sia sociale che industriale. In questo ciclo di seminari, dedicati ognuno a tecnologie e infrastrutture di interesse per un determinato settore, i LNF vogliono continuare il dialogo aperto con altri Enti, Università, Istituzioni ed Imprese in occasione dell’Open Day Imprese a Giugno 2017. Calendario Seminari 2018 Tecnologie per i Beni culturali: infrastrutture e servizi INFN per il Trasferimento Tecnologico – 8 Febbraio 2018 THz per Applicazioni Scientifiche e Trasferimento Tecnologico – 10 Aprile 2018 !CHAOS: un nuovo framework versatile e scalabile per il controllo e l'acquisizione dati di impianti e reti di dispositivi – 18 Giugno 2018 LNF e le tecnologie per lo Spazio: Laboratori di test e calibrazione – Ottobre 2018 Le tecnologie di magneti e vuoto: infrastrutture e servizi – Dicembre 2018
Read More »Very low Emittance Muon Beam using positron beam on target
Muon beams are customarily obtained via K/π decays produced in proton interaction on target. We are proposing a new scheme to produce very low emittance muon beams using a positron beam of about 45 GeV interacting on electrons on target. This is a challenging and innovative scheme that needs a full design study. One of the innovative topics to be investigated is the behaviour of the positron beam stored in a low emittance ring with a thin target, that is directly inserted in the ring chamber to produce muons. Muons will be immediately collected at the exit of the target and transported to two mu+ and mu- accumulator rings. We present the main features of this scheme with an outline of the possible applications for a Multi-TeV collider.
Read More »UK-IT ITk Integration Meeting
This meeting is aimed to discuss the activities and synergies between UK and IT groups for the assembly of the ITk outer endcaps.
Read More »High gradient ultra-high brightness RF photoinjector optimization
Most of the accelerator applications demand an high beam quality: ultra low energy spread and ultra high beam brightness i.e. bunches with high peak current and ultra low emittance. These quality parameters are also necessary to perform a good matching between beams from a conventional accelerator and a plasma one in the so called external injection scheme. Beam brightness is a fundamental parameter for applications as the Free Electron Laser (FEL), where the gain length is inversely proportional to the electron beam brightness in the Self Amplified Spontaneous Emission (SASE) X-ray regime. These requests in the quality electron beam means that a perfect control of bunches along the beam line is necessary, starting from the bunch generation up to the accelerator end, especially in the photoinjector region where the beam is not yet relativistic and is in the so called space charge regime. From these requests an optimal transport has to be found i.e. an optimization of some parameters and distances has to be fixed: laser on cathode parameters a proper position for the first accelerating section, an integrated magnetic field of the gun solenoid and an optimal bunch compression scheme. To match these stringent beam quality parameter requests, I optimized the beam dynamics for a new ultra high gradient 1.6 cells C-band (5.712 GHz) gun able to reach 240 MV/m as a peak field. By means of the ultra high gradient a better control of the space charge forces inside the bunch is possible. After optimizations on this electron …
Read More »KLOE-2 data-taking closing ceremony
All people involved in KLOE-2 activities, the DAFNE team, former KLOE members, and LNF personnel are cordially invited to join the KLOE-2 data-taking closing ceremony that will take place on March 30th at 11:00 in the Bruno Touschek Auditorium PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR PARTICIPATION BY REGISTERING TO THE EVENT!
Read More »RF design of high gradient accelerating structures for high brightness electron linacs
In the framework of the upgrade of the SPARC_LAB facility at INFN-LNF, named EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB, a high gradient linac is foreseen. One of the most suitable options is to realize it in X-band. The EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB linac layout is based on an S-band Gun, three S-band TW structures and an X-band booster with a bunch compressor. In this presentation it is illustrated the preliminary RF design of the X-band booster. It is based on 0.5 m long traveling wave accelerating structures operating in the 2π/3 mode and fed by klystrons and pulse compressor systems.The design has been driven by the need of a high accelerating gradient required to achieve a high facility compactness, which is one of the main goals of the EuPRAXIA project. The single cell parameters have been calculated by electromagnetic simulations and, on the basis of these results, the accelerating structure length and geometry have been optimized by numerical studies. Finally, the basic RF power distribution layout has been designed.
Read More »About Dark Matter scenarios in Composite Higgs Models and how to probe them
Non-minimal Composite Higgs Models feature additional scalars which can play the role of a dark matter candidate. These models are very predictive, since the requirement of the correct relic density bounds the new resonance mass from above. I will show that nearly the whole parameter space for such scenarios can be probed at future colliders and dark matter detection experiments.
Read More »The time challenge: PICOSEC
The timing response of gaseous detectors is discussed with examples from past experiments. The concepts of the technique used for the PICOSEC project are discussed.
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