
Tag Archives: Evento scientifico

Brave New Worlds: The Discovery and Characterisation of Planets Beyond Our Solar System

Over the past three decades astronomers have discovered over 5000 planets orbiting distant stars – known as “exoplanets”. In this talk I will outline the ingenious methods that have been used to overcome the extreme challenges involved in finding these exoplanets. I will discuss the stunning variety of exoplanets that we have found, and what we have learnt from these discoveries. I will then discuss how we are able to learn more about these planets using observations that probe their orbits, temperatures, and even compositions. Finally I will finish by looking ahead to what the future might hold in terms of uncovering planets and even life beyond our Solar System.

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XX FRASCATI SUMMER SCHOOL “BRUNO TOUSCHEK” in Nuclear, Subnuclear and Astroparticle Physics

The XX LNF Summer School “Bruno Touschek” in Nuclear, Subnuclear and Astroparticle Physics will take place at the INFN, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Italy from Monday, July 11th to Friday, July 15th, 2022. The School is intended for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows in theoretical and experimental high-energy physics. The 2022 edition of the School includes lectures on selected theoretical and experimental topics, discussion sessions, and the 7th Young Researchers Workshop on `Physics Challenges in the LHC Era’, which will take place on Monday, July 11th and on Thursday, July 14th. Students planning to participate in the School are strongly encouraged to apply to give a presentation of their research in the workshop, by sending an email to, with a copy to, with the proposed talk title. The contributions will be published in Frascati Physics Series. A few fellowships covering the registration fee and/or accommodation are available for selected participants giving talks. The 2022 edition of the School consists of six sets of lectures, divided equally between theoretical and experimental topics, two discussion sessions, and a colloquium for a general audience on `Brave New Worlds: Discovery and Characterisation of Planets Beyond our Solar System’. The deadline to apply to the school and possibly give a presentation in the workshop is June 15th. Lecture topics: Flavour physics in quark and charged-lepton sectors QCD and jets at colliders Projects for future accelerators Early Universe Cosmology Big Bang Nucleosynthesis Cosmic Microwave Background Invited Lecturers: Daniel Bayliss (Warwick U.) Matteo Cacciari (LPTHE …

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AARP – XlabF: Compact Solutions for Future Advanced X-ray Studies

L’XLab Frascati, presente all’interno dei Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati e specializzato nell’uso di tecniche spettroscopiche di raggi X e nella produzione e caratterizzazione di ottiche per raggi X (ottiche policapillari), apre le sue porte fisiche e virtuali ai ricercatori e alle ricercatrici durante la giornata di workshop dal titolo “AARP – XlabF: Compact Solutions for Future Advanced X-ray Studies”. Partendo da piccole semplici applicazioni, ideate dalla collaborazione del Prof. Sultan Dabagov con il Dr. Giorgio Cappuccio ormai diverso tempo fa, di una tecnologia all’epoca poco conosciuta in Italia, ossia le ottiche policapillari, si è oggi arrivati ad un laboratorio dedicato sia alle tecnologie di innovazione basate sulla realizzazione e produzione di lenti policapillari, che alle metodiche di analisi basate sui raggi X. Oggi, l’XLab Frascati (o più semplicemente XlabF) rappresenta una facility che dispone di strumentazione per lo studio di tipo cristallografico, spettroscopico e tomografico, grazie a 3 apparati strumentali perfettamente funzionanti e a disposizione di utenti locali ed esterni con i quali  è possibile ottenere informazioni di imaging ad elevata risoluzione, micro-tomografia, micro-fluorescenza 2D e 3D, diffrazione e test di diagnostica di sorgenti, ottiche e rivelatori di nuova generazione. Tutto questo è stato reso possibile grazie anche alle numerose collaborazioni con colleghi sparsi in tutta Italia e nel mondo in ambiti tra i più disparati quali l’elettronica, i beni culturali, l’archeologia, la dendrologia per citarne alcuni. Ed è proprio la volontà di mantenere vivo questo intreccio di competenze nonché di creare nuove sinergie tra i partecipanti ed uditori del workshop che …

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The measurement of the B-mode polarization of the CMB: the path towards the next satellite experiment.

Giovanni Signorelli (INFN) The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) carries information from the very first moments of existence of our universe.The picture of its anisotropies which formed some 300,000 years after the Big Bang when radiation and matter decoupled, conveys information about its matter and energy content. CMB polarization allows us to go even further back in time, to the very first fraction of a second, in which cosmological inflation is believed to have happened. Cosmological inflation, the leading hypothesis to resolve the problems in the Big Bang theory, predicts that primordial gravitational waves were created during the inflationary era, which then imprinted large-scale curl patterns in the CMB polarization map, called the B-modes. The measurement of the very faint B-modes requires the development of specialized detectors and electronics: superconducting bolometers coupled to antennas to be sensitive to the microwaves, read out by SQUIDs, amplifiers based on quantum interference in a superconducting loop, all living at sub-Kelvin temperatures. Several experiments are under way or being planned in this search, from ground, balloon, or satellite and INFN is presently involved in some. In particular LiteBIRD (the Lite satellite for the study of B-mode polarization and Inflation from cosmic background Radiation Detection) has been selected as the next JAXA’s strategic large mission, to be launched in the late 2020s with the primary scientific objective to search for the signal from cosmic inflation, either making a discovery or ruling out well-motivated inflationary models. The measurements of LiteBIRD will in fact provide also insight into …

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The measurement of the B-mode polarization of the CMB: the path towards the next satellite experiment.

The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) carries information from the very first moments of existence of our universe.The picture of its anisotropies which formed some 300,000 years after the Big Bang when radiation and matter decoupled, conveys information about its matter and energy content.  CMB polarization allows us to go even further back in time, to the very first fraction of a second, in which cosmological inflation is believed to have happened. Cosmological inflation, the leading hypothesis to resolve the problems in the Big Bang theory, predicts that primordial gravitational waves were created during the inflationary era, which then imprinted large-scale curl patterns in the CMB polarization map, called the B-modes.  The measurement of the very faint B-modes requires the development of specialized detectors and electronics: superconducting bolometers coupled to antennas to be sensitive to the microwaves, read out by SQUIDs, amplifiers based on quantum interference in a superconducting loop, all living at sub-Kelvin temperatures. Several experiments are under way or being planned in this search, from ground, balloon, or satellite and INFN is presently involved in some. In particular LiteBIRD (the Lite satellite for the study of B-mode polarization and Inflation from cosmic background Radiation Detection) has been selected as the next JAXA’s strategic large mission, to be launched in the late 2020s with the primary scientific objective to search for the signal from cosmic inflation, either making a discovery or ruling out well-motivated inflationary models. The measurements of LiteBIRD will in fact provide also insight into the quantum nature …

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Spin structure of the nucleon: current status and future measurements

Harut Avagyan (Jefferson Lab) The quark-gluon dynamics manifests itself in a set of non-perturbative functions  describing all possible  spin-spin and spin-orbit correlations. Recent studies of correlated hadron pairs,  including the pairs created in target and current fragmentation region, indicate significant correlations in hadron fragmentation process. Their understanding is becoming increasingly important in the interpretation of pion electroproduction data in general, and hadronization process of quarks, in particular. Detailed studies in multi-dimensional space, of various multiplicities and different azimuthal modulations in electroproduction of hadrons as a function of transverse momentum of involved hadrons and the Q^2, will be needed to sort out all disagreements with theory predictions and improve the phenomenology of partonic distributions in 3D. In this contribution, we will present ongoing studies and some proposed future measurements with hadrons in electroproduction at large Q^2,  with current CLAS12 detector at Jefferson Lab, and discuss opportunities with JLab energy upgrade to 24 GeV.   Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 863 6339 3098 Passcode: 521096

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Spin structure of the nucleon: current status and future measurements

The quark-gluon dynamics manifests itself in a set of non-perturbative functions  describing all possible  spin-spin and spin-orbit correlations. Recent studies of correlated hadron pairs,  including the pairs created in target and current fragmentation region, indicate significant correlations in hadron fragmentation process. Their understanding is becoming increasingly important in the interpretation of pion electroproduction data in general, and hadronization process of quarks, in particular. Detailed studies in multi-dimensional space, of various multiplicities and different azimuthal modulations in electroproduction of hadrons as a function of transverse momentum of involved hadrons and the Q^2, will be needed to sort out all disagreements with theory predictions and improve the phenomenology of partonic distributions in 3D. In this contribution, we will present ongoing studies and some proposed future measurements with hadrons in electroproduction at large Q^2,  with current CLAS12 detector at Jefferson Lab, and discuss opportunities with JLab energy upgrade to 24 GeV.   Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 863 6339 3098 Passcode: 521096

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