
Beam Test Facility


Particle beams of various kinds – electrons, positrons, photons and neutrons – arrive at the BTF (Beam Test Facility) laboratory, directly derived from the electron beam of the DAΦNE Linac.

The laboratory has the peculiarity of providing various types of beams: each has a variable number of constituent particles and energy, within the limits allowed by the properties of the primary beam of the Linac.
The customers of this laboratory, the users, vary every week: the BTF activity is essentially dedicated to the testing and calibration of detectors for use in high-energy physics experiments. It is addressed to both experimental groups operating within the National Laboratory of Frascati, as well as Italian and foreign external researchers. A peculiarity of the BTF is the great adaptability of the facility to users’ needs, even during the testbeam itself: it can change the beam and its properties instantly, ensuring great ease of use. Furthermore, BTF benefits from being located right in the DAΦNE complex: all accelerator services (e.g. electrical, logistics and information technology as well as vacuum, diagnostics and cryogenic services) contribute to making it versatile, adapting it to almost all the varied needs of those conducting the experiments. Albeit more rarely, the BTF hosts experiments for several consecutive weeks. Satellites, innovative detectors and parts of large experiments have passed through this laboratory.

Latest modified: 7 March 2023