We are glad to announce and welcome you to the LNF Session of the workshop: “Nuclear Physics Mid Term Plan in Italy”. This workshop, divided on a series of four sessions, is dedicated to future nuclear physics research in Italy with particular emphasis on INFN laboratories that are preparing important upgrades for the accelerators complexes. Session LNS (4-5 April 2022) Session LNL (11-12 April 2022) Session LNGS (11 October 2022) Session LNF (1-2 December 2022) The LNF Session will start on December, 1st at 9 am and will end on December, 2nd around 6.30 pm. During the two days, the conveners of the WG will report on their activities and will describe the future perspectives on Nuclear Physics detectors and the potentialities on Nuclear Physics measurements at LNF. The activities will be organized in the following Working Groups: Organizing Committee of the workshop: Giovanna Benzoni Diego Bettoni Fabio Bossi Gustavino Carlo Maria Colonna Antonino di Leva Enrico Fioretto Alba Formicola Lorenzo Fortunato Santo Gammino Fabiana Gramegna Matthias Junker Marco La Cognata Ivano Lombardo Rosario Nania Ezio Previtali Stefano Romano Paolo Russotto Francesca Soramel Jose Javier Valiente-Dobón Scientific secretaries: Eugenia Naselli Alessandro Oliva Julgen Pellumaj Marta Polettini Secretary: Alessandra Tamborrino Orsini Sponsors This event is kindly supported by:
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Nuclear Physics Mid Term Plan in Italy – LNF Session
We are glad to announce and welcome you to the LNF Session of the workshop: “Nuclear Physics Mid Term Plan in Italy”. The workshop will be held in the Bruno Touschek Auditorium (Bldg. 36, access from LNF secondary entrance in Via E. Fermi, 60 – see map). Since the workshop will be held in blended mode (online and in presence), online attendees can remotely join the Session via the following Zoom meeting link: https://cern.zoom.us/j/63753264983?pwd=a001L0pwbmpGdnVRMjF4Q1NpWDk3Zz09 This workshop, divided on a series of four sessions, is dedicated to future nuclear physics research in Italy with particular emphasis on INFN laboratories that are preparing important upgrades for the accelerators complexes. Session LNS (4-5 April 2022) Session LNL (11-12 April 2022) Session LNGS (11 October 2022) Session LNF (1-2 December 2022) The LNF Session will start on December, 1st at 9 am and will end on December, 2nd around 6.30 pm. During the two days, the conveners of the WG will report on their activities and will describe the future perspectives on Nuclear Physics detectors and the potentialities on Nuclear Physics measurements at LNF. The activities will be organized in the following Working Groups: Organizing Committee of the workshop: Giovanna Benzoni Diego Bettoni Fabio Bossi Gustavino Carlo Maria Colonna Antonino di Leva Enrico Fioretto Alba Formicola Lorenzo Fortunato Santo Gammino Fabiana Gramegna Matthias Junker Marco La Cognata Ivano Lombardo Rosario Nania Silvia Pisano Ezio Previtali Stefano Romano Paolo Russotto Francesca Soramel Jose Javier Valiente Dobon …
Read More »Energy peaks and decay lengths to measure the top quark mass
In this talk I will present how the idea of energy-peak invariance, already applied at the jet-energy level, can be applied on the decay-length spectrum of B-hadrons produced at the LHC from top quarks to measure the top-quark mass without uncertainties from jet energy scale calibration and without any significant sensitivity to the precise dynamics governing top production at the LHC. These two uncertainties have played a major role in top-quark mass extraction so far, thus this method opens the way to new measurements with reduced uncertainty. I will also discuss in detail the possible theory uncertainties that affect this strategy and the necessary level of control on hadronization dynamics that is going to be needed to carry out this measurement.
Read More »EuPRAXIA Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting
FOR THOSE WHO WILL PARTICIPATE ON SITE, PLEASE BRING WITH YOU THE HARD COPY OF YOUR TICKET (DOWNLOADABLE FROM YOUR REGISTRATION FORM). THE QR CODE ON IT WILL BE USED FOR THE CHECK IN. The Eupraxia preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting will be hybrid, for those who will participate remotely a zoom link will be provided (already sent on Nov. 21) for those who are in presence the meeting will be held in Aula Touschek – LNF Auditorium (Bldg. 36). All participants (on site and remote) have to register through the website. NO REGISTRATION FEE is required to attend the meeting. EuPRAXIA, the European Plasma Research Accelerator with eXcellence In Applications, is a distributed, compact and innovative accelerator facility based on plasma technology. Based on its Conceptual Design Report, published in 2020, and its government support the EuPRAXIA Research Infrastructure has been selected as only particle accelerator project for the 2021 Roadmap Update of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI). In its first phase, its consortium will construct an electron beam-driven plasma accelerator in the metropolitan area of Rome, thus bringing innovation, potential for spin-off companies, state-of-the art scientific applications and a vibrant international user community to the middle of Italy. In its second phase, EuPRAXIA will build a laser-driven plasma accelerator at a site to be chosen between several options in Europe. EuPRAXIA will serve users in ultra-fast science, e.g. on high-resolution medical imaging, deeply penetrating positron annihilation spectroscopy for materials and with Europe’s most southern free-electron laser (FEL). It will offer fascinating …
Read More »Determination of heavy mesons fragmentation functions
We present the extraction of heavy mesons fragmentation functions using a phenomenological approach. For the first time, we calculate non-perturbative fragmentation functions for B and D mesons at NNLO in the so-called zero-mass variable-flavour-number scheme in QCD. We will also incorporate the effect of charmed-meson mass corrections and determine D-meson fragmentation functions by fitting LEP and SLD data. We present NNLO single-inclusive production cross sections in electron-positron annihilation and estimate the uncertainties by means of the Hessian approach. The comparison with other calculations is discussed as well.
Read More »64th Scientific Committee Meeting
Workshop on status and perspectives of physics at high intensity
For any information send an email to antonella.antonelli@lnf.infn.it paolo.branchini@roma3.infn.it vincenzo.vagnoni@bo.infn.it https://cern.zoom.us/j/63632824074?pwd=WUZ0NFpxTng0TFFyZTRrMFE1bm9aUT09
Read More »Meeting annuale della Collaborazione Nazionale di DUNE
Il meeting annuale della collaborazione DUNE-ITALIA si svolgerà quest’anno presso i Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell’INFN e passerà in rassegna tutte le attività in cui sono coinvolti i vari istituti, sezioni e laboratori partecipanti all’esperimento DUNE.
Read More »The Hitchhiker’s Advanced Guide to Quantum Collapse Models and their impact in science, philosophy, technology and biology
Image Credit: local_doctor/Shutterstock.com The aim of the workshop is to bring together theoreticians and experimentalists to discuss the present status of the collapse models, which were proposed as a solution of the measurement problem in quantum physics. We witnessed lot of progress recently in the studies of the collapse models. On the theoretical side new realistic dissipative and non-Markovian collapse models are being developed, in order to provide a glimpse on the physical mechanism driving the collapse. At the same time, experimentalists search for signatures of the proposed models with various and very different physical systems. Searches of anomalous heating, or of spontaneous radiation are performed in atomic, nuclear, and mesoscopic/macroscopic systems from underground laboratories to (planned) space-based experiments, together with interference-based experiments. The Hitchhiker’s Advanced Guide to Quantum Collapse Models workshop is targeted both for experts and, especially, for the young participants. It will bring together the communities working in quantum collapse with the aim to set up a synergetic effort towards progress in the field. Discussions of the impact of the collapse models in philosophy, technology and in biology, in particular the consciousness Orch OR model, will be stimulated. The workshop is organized with the support of the INFN-LNF, of the Foundational Questions Institute (Grants No. FQXi-RFP-CPW-2008 and FQXi-MGA-2102), of the John Templeton Foundation (Grant 62099) and of Comune di Frascati. The workshop will be organized if necessary in mixed modality (in presence and online) with a strong …
Read More »Eurogammas – IFIN
The Joint Eurogammas – IFIN Meeting will be held at the INFN-LNF, Aula Salvini (Bldg. 36 – ground floor), both in person and remotely. The remote connection will be provided by the Zoom platform. The Zoom link to join remotely will be sent by email to registered participants only. Participants in the Meeting are invited to register via web using the online registration form. ~*~ —————–~*~—————–~*~—————–~*~ Local Organizing Committee: F. Casarin, INFN-LNF M. Giabbai, INFN-LNF M. G. Iungo, Scientific Secretary, INFN-LNF
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