
Tag Archives: Evento scientifico

Terzo Incontro Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare INFN2016

Il Terzo Incontro Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare si terrà a Frascati presso i Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dal 14 al 16 novembre 2016. Questa serie di incontri, di cui il primo si è tenuto a Catania presso i Laboratori Nazionali del Sud nel novembre del 2012 e il secondo a Padova e ai Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro nel marzo del 2014, nasce come iniziativa di ricercatori INFN e universitari con l'obiettivo di creare un'occasione di confronto per la comunità italiana di fisici, teorici e sperimentali, attivi nel campo della fisica nucleare. L’incontro, promosso dalle Commissioni Scientifiche Nazionali 3, 4 e 5, è organizzato in cinque sessioni plenarie nel corso delle quali saranno esaminate e discusse problematiche relative a diversi ambiti della fisica adronica e nucleare: Dinamica dei quark e degli adroni Transizioni di fase e plasma di quark e gluoni Struttura nucleare e dinamica delle reazioni Astrofisica nucleare Applicazioni e interdisciplinarietà della fisica nucleare Le sessioni prevedono relazioni su invito di carattere generale che illustreranno le attività della nostra comunità nei vari settori, inquadrandole nel contesto internazionale, mettendo in evidenza i punti di contatto con altre linee di ricerca e delineandone le prospettive. In questo incontro saranno previste delle presentazioni da parte di giovani ricercatori, selezionati dal Comitato Organizzatore sulla base degli abstracts che verranno ricevuti. È inoltre fissata una sessione di posters per martedi pomeriggio. Verranno premiati  i tre migliori poster e le tre migliori presentazioni dei giovani ricercatori. Affinché tutti i partecipanti abbiano la possibilità di intervenire, alla …

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Dark matter: an historical perspective

I will review in this seminar this historical evolution of the concept of"Dark Matter", from the first observations of "anomalies" in the 30's until the development of the hypothesis of the existence of a dark halo. The presentation will be entirely based on the original historical authors, reconstructing (by their ideas but also their mistakes) the appearance of a dark side of the Universe. The talk will include discussions of original articles by Poincaré, Zwicky, Oort, Jansky, Gamow, Peebles, Zeldovich, Bond and many others, opening on the prospect for the near future.

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New physics in B-meson decays

Current B-physics data contain two intriguing tensions. First, the LHCb collaboration has reported on some anomalies in b-s transitions, with discrepancies with the Standard Model predictions in some angular observables and branching ratios and an intriguing hint for lepton universality violation. And second, BaBar, Belle and LHCb have found compatible deviations in observables associated to b-c transitions, again hinting at the violation of lepton universality. We will review the proposed explanations for these tensions and focus on new physics models that can simultaneously address both anomalies. In particular, we will show that a simple gauge extension of the Standard Model can achieve such goal.

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KLOE-2 Workshop on e+e- collision physics at 1 GeV

The Workshop will be devoted to a thoroughly discussion of the KLOE-2 Physics program at DAPHNE, and more in general about topics related to e+e- Physics at 1 GeV c.m energy: – CP and T violation, CPT and QM tests – KS decays, eta decays and chiral lagrangians – Phi decays, light hadron spectroscopy and transition form factors – gamma-gamma Physics – Dark force searches – Hadronic contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon – Low energy kaon interactions – Future machines and new detectors A special session on Friday 28th will be devoted to new proposals for the measurement of the hadronic contribution to the muon g-2. The Conference will consist of plenary sessions held at the LNF Bruno Touschek Auditorium Hall, with invited talks.

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Spin-Statistics, Quantum Decoherence and CPT Violation: models, consequences and searches

In the presence of quantum gravity space-time fluctuations, Lorentz invariance and/or spin-statistic relation and quantum coherence of particles may be lost and the latter may lead to an ill-defined nature of the quantum mechanical CPT operator. I first discuss theoretical motivations and estimates for such a CPT Violation, and then proceed to describe current experimental searches, including the VIP experiment and its upgrades for searches of violation of the Pauli principle, as well as searches of quantum-gravity-decoherence-induced CPT violation in entangled states of mesons of interest to this laboratory. Specifically, in the latter case, there is an effect, termed the omega-effect, which affects the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlations of entangled particle states, in a characteristic way to be detected in principle in entangled neutral Kaon or B systems.

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On the possible subfemtosecond violation of the Pauli principle

The recent advances of pump-and-probe experiments with femtosecond time resolution allow speculations on the possible dynamics at the subfemtosecond level. Starting from an old idea of Corinaldesi, we discuss the conditions that should be fulfilled to detect a subfemtosecond violation of the Paui principle.

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Pseudo-observables in Higgs Physics

In view of future high-statistics data, it is useful to define a framework for precise determinations of the properties of the Higgs particle valid in generic extensions of the Standard Model. As I will discuss, this goal can be achieved with a limited set of so-called “Pseudo-Observables” (PO). The PO provides a systematic generalization of the “kappa-framework” so far adopted by the LHC experiments and provide a useful bridge between data and theory predictions. I discuss how the PO are defined and how they can be used to test various dynamical and symmetry hypotheses about the Higgs sector. The relation between PO and EFT couplings is also briefly discussed.

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Low scale leptonic unitarity violation in neutrino oscillation phenomena

In this talk, I will discuss leptonic unitarity violation at energy scale much lower than the electroweak scale in neutrino oscillation phenomena. The main features which distinguish it from high scale unitarity violation are preservation of lepton flavor universality and absence of zero-distance neutrino flavor transition. For concreteness, we work in the framework of 3 active plus N sterile neutrino model and restrict the active-sterile and sterile-sterile neutrino mass squared differences to be in between 0.1 eV^2 and 1 MeV^2. The upper bound is such that the sterile states are kinematically allowed to participate in neutrino oscillation while the lower bound is such that our model becomes insensitive to details of the sterile sectors (mass spectra and mixing) due to partial decoherence effects.

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Development of CdZnTe X- and gamma-ray detectors for security, environmental monitoring, and medical applications.

CdZnTe-based X- and gamma-ray detectors operate at room temperature, in a wide energy range (10keV- 1MeV), and show good energy resolution. Thanks to these unique characteristics, they have found applications in may fields, such as security, environmental monitoring, medical diagnostics. In the last years, IMEM-CNR developed technology to growth CdZnTe crystals and realize CdZnTe-based X- and gamma-ray detectors. In this talk, the main results will be summarized concerning the following projects: realization of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) equipped with a CdZnTe-based gamma ray spectrometer for the localization and identification of nuclear sources dispersed in the environment (funded by the Flagship Fabbrica del Futuro) development of instrumentation for high flux x-ray spectroscopy (funded by “Futuro in Ricerca”) realization of a gamma-ray detector for in situ monitoring of the 470 keV dis-excitation photons during BNCT development of high density pixel detectors for x-ray imaging (funded by private contracts).

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