High Precision X-ray Measurements 2023 conference is the third edition of the HPXM workshop, held at the INFN Laboratories of Frascati in 2018 and 2021.In the wake of the success of the 2018 and 2021 editions, HPXM2023 is planned with the twofold aim to consolidate the existing interconnections between the research teams and foster creating new ones, offering the opportunity for all the participants to discuss and share the results of their activities focusing on a common protagonist: X-ray precision detection.The aim of this workshop is to inform the participants on the most recent developments in X-ray detection technologies and their possible impacts in various sectors like nuclear physics, astrophysics, quantum physics, XRF, XES, EXAFS, PIXE, plasma emission spectroscopy, monochromators, synchrotron radiation, radioprotection, telescopes and space engineering, medical applications, food and beverage quality control and elemental mapping.The scientific program consists of invited lectures from distinguished scientists and oral presentations given by the participants.Organizing Committee:A. Scordo, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN, ItalyF. Napolitano, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN, ItalyA. Tamborrino Orsini, Secretariat
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Nanoscience & Nanotechnology
The Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Conference will be held in the Bruno Touschek Auditorium (Bldg. 36, access from LNF secondary entrance in Via E. Fermi, 60 – see map).The NEXT Nanotechnology group at INFN – LNF organizes since 2000 a series of international meetings in the area of nanotechnology. The conference in 2023 is devoted to recent developments in nanoscience and its manifold technological applications. It consists of a number of tutorial/keynote lectures, as well as research talks presenting frontier nanoscience research developments and innovative nanotechnologies in the areas of biology, medicine, aerospace, optoelectronics, energy, materials and characterizations, low-dimensional nanostructures and devices. We plan to submit selected papers, based on conference talks and related discussions, for publication on a special issue of the Hindawi journal (Journal of Nanomaterials, Impact Factor=3.791, Chief Editor Stefano Bellucci), https://www.hindawi.com/journals/jnm/.There will be Invited Lecturers and selected talks from the call for papers below, as well as a poster session.CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONSAuthors wishing to submit their work for presentation at the conference can send an abstract as a doc or pdf file (max. 3 pages) to bellucci@lnf.infn.it by 15th May 2023, specifying whether it is meant for oral or poster presentation. Authors will be notified of the acceptance of their submission.REGISTRATIONThere is no fee for attendance, however registration is mandatory and must be submitted by 21st May 2023.HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONHotel reservation is the responsibility of the participants. Additional information can be found in the web site.LOC:S. Bellucci (Chair), L.Gahramanli, F. Micciulla, C. Vacacela GomezIAC:S. Bellucci (Chair, INFN, Italy), Mohamed Bououdina (Prince Sultan …
Read More »Workshop ‘LiteBIRD-Italia 2023 @ INFN-LNF (LB-ITA23@INFN-LNF)’
La missione spaziale LiteBIRD, a guida giapponese (JAXA) ma con significativa partecipazione europea, ha come obiettivo principale di rivelare le onde gravitazionali primordiali generate durante l’inflazione, attraverso misure di estrema precisione della polarizzazione del CMB. La partecipazione italiana consiste di nodi universitari, ASI (principale finanziatore italiano), INAF e INFN. Il gruppo LNF, recentemente coinvolto, ospita il workshop in cui viene presentato lo stato di avanzamento del progetto verso l’approvazione della fase-B, in tutte le sue componenti: sviluppo strumentale, simulazioni, analisi e vincoli modellistici. Il 22 e 23 maggio si passeranno in rassegna le attività in corso da parte della collaborazione italiana. La giornata di mercoledì 24 maggio sarà dedicata ad un approfondimento del principale contributo strumentale INFN, la SQUID controller unit. Il Workshop è dedicato ai membri dei gruppi finanziati da ASI e INFN nell’ambito del progetto LiteBIRD. La partecipazione del personale INFN-LNF è benvenuta. Il workshop si terrà nell’Aula Salvini (66 posti).Recording 22/05/2023: Link, Password = $8ib8!xkRecording 23/05/2023: Link, Password = AzCW$9J?Recording 24/05/2023: Link, Password = dymi&#M6Ultimo Aggiornamento: 26/05/2023. LOC:Luca Porcelli (Chair), Giovanni Delle Monache, Sultan Dabagov, Dariush Hampai, Giuseppina Modestino.
Read More »Chasing quantum gravity on Dirac materials
The work of our group at Charles University on reproducing scenarios of high energy theoretical physics (hep-th) on Dirac materials, like graphene, will be introduced. The main goal will be to show how versatile these systems are, and how far and wide into the hep-th territory we can venture with them.I shall review why these materials lend themselves to the emergence of special relativistic-like matter and space, and of the various geometric gauge fields of gravity theories. I shall then briefly mention some fresh results: from the time-loop to spot torsion, to the generalized uncertainty principles of quantum gravity stemming from and underlying (lattice) length; from a model of grain-boundaries and their relation to (A)dS and Poincaré spacetime algebras, to Unconventional Supersymmetry and the role of the two Dirac points.Then the focus will be on the emergence of curvature that gives raise to effects typical of quantum fields on a classical curved background. I shall show why the (2+1) dimensions and Weyl symmetry are crucial to identify the specific arrangements that realize a Unruh-Hawking kind of phenomenon. If time permits, other interesting scenarios, that include the BTZ black hole and de Sitter spacetime, will be discussed.Finally, I shall briefly comment on what we could learn on the above from quantum circuits.
Read More »Applications of radiation detection techniques in fundamental physics, food control, medicine and biology
The conference “Applications of radiation detection techniques in fundamental physics, food control, medicine and biology” will take place from May 8th to 12th at Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (LNF – INFN), Italy.The main purpose of the conference is to exchange experience and expertise gained by various institutions in the fields of radiation detection techniques developed for fundamental physics, food control, medical diagnostics and biology. The conference will be a showcase for forefront experimental as well as theoretical developments, where the interplay between outstanding research and innovative concepts on the borderline between physics, medicine and biology will be promoted.The conference is organized with the support of the INFN-LNF, Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Center for Theranostics, Poland, the Foundational Questions Institute (Grant No. FQXi-RFP-CPW-2008), the John Templeton Foundation (Grant 62099), the STRONG-2020 EU project (grant agreement No 824093), the MITIQO project n. A0375-2020-36647,“Gruppi di ricerca 2020” – POR FESR Lazio 2014-2020 and Comune di Frascati.The conference will be held in person. The selected contributions will be published as open-access articles in Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems https://sciendo.com/issue/BIOAL/18/1Conference fee is 450 EuroConference Chairs:Catalina Curceanu, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, INFN, ItalyPaweł Moskal, Jagiellonian University, Center for Theranostics, PolandEwa Stępień, Jagiellonian University, Center for Theranostics, Poland Organizing Committee:Alessandro Scordo, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, INFN, Italy (chair)Magdalena Skurzok, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland (chair)Diana Laura Sirghi, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, INFN, ItalyFabrizio Napolitano, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, INFN, ItalyAleksander Khreptak, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, INFN, ItalyKamil Dulski, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, INFN, ItalyMagdalena Marzec, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, PolandAlessandra Tamborrino Orsini (secretariat)Scientific Committee:Catalina Curceanu, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, INFN, ItalyBożena Jasińska, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, PolandPaweł …
Read More »65th Scientific Committee Meeting
Read More »FCC-ee Pre-Injector: CHART Collaboration Meeting
The FCC-ee Pre-Injector: CHART collaboration meeting will be held – in person – at the INFN-LNF, Via Enrico Fermi, 60 – Frascati (Rome, Italy) from April 20 to 21, 2023.Participants in the Collaboration Meeting are invited to register via web using the online registration form. REGISTRATION CLOSED.Attendance on site is highly encouraged and we will be pleased to welcome you again in Frascati! Local Organising Committee: A. DE SANTIS [CHAIR], (INFN-LNF, Italy)M.R. FERRAZZA [Coordinator], (INFN-LNF, Italy)M. GIABBAI [Coordinator], (INFN-LNF, Italy)C. MILARDI (INFN-LNF, Italy)
Read More »The Flavor Puzzle as a Hint for Light New Physics in the Third Family
Several observational facts lead us to expect that the Standard Model (SM) should be extended by new physics (NP) at short distances, but where should we look? We can find clues from several structural puzzles that exist within the SM. One of the few that hints at a low NP scale is the instability of the Higgs mass in the presence of quantum corrections. Another long-standing puzzle is the origin of flavor, or the fact that SM fermions come in three copies. These copies would be physically indistinguishable were it not for the fact that they couple with very different strengths to the Higgs field, hinting at a possible connection between the SM flavor puzzle and the electroweak (EW) hierarchy problem. Another powerful hint comes from flavor symmetries accidentally respected by the SM. Experimental tests of these accidental symmetries constitute powerful probes of new high-energy dynamics, with current flavor bounds pushing the scale of flavor anarchic NP to the PeV ballpark. This is in apparent contradiction with a natural Higgs mass, which calls for NP not far above the TeV scale. It is therefore plausible to expect that the NP sector responsible for solving the EW hierarchy problem has a very specific flavor structure, again hinting at a possible connection to the SM flavor puzzle. In particular, this would imply new particles around the TeV scale that can distinguish between flavors, just as the Higgs can. One well-motivated expectation in light of these arguments is TeV scale NP dominantly coupled to the …
Read More »Open LHCb Workshop on semileptonic exclusive $b\rightarrow c$ decays
The semileptonic decays of heavy hadrons are a rich source of observables sensitive to SM and NP paramaters. Despite the efforts from both experimental and theoretical sides, the measurements of the CKM parameter $|V_{cb}|$ from inclusive and exclsuive decays, remain in significant tension. Moreover, the measurements of the ratios $R=BF(B\rightarrow D^{(*)}\tau\nu_{\tau})/ BF(B\rightarrow D^{(*)}\ell\nu_{\ell})$ have gained in the last decade a lot of interests because of the intriguing discrepancies with their precise SM expectations. Even if the tension with the SM seems reduced with the accumulation of more measurements, more precise measurements and solid SM predictions would be welcome. If confirmed, the discrepancy would be a clear sign of violation of Lepton Universality (LU).The main goal of the workshop is to enlarge the potential of these measurements at LHCb, with a critical comparison with the results from B-Factories and prospects from Belle II. The measurements of $|V_{cb}|$ and the predictions of the ratios R from exclusive $b\to c$ decays, require crucial input from non perturbative calculations of the Form Factors. New observables, accessibile from detailed studies of final state angular distributions, are very sensitive to NP models and can also constrain the shape of the Form Factors.Another topic that will be discussed is related to common systematic uncertainties that affect measurements both at LHCb and B-Factories. For example the production of excited charm-hadrons in semileptonic decays, that is a source of physical background. Moreover there are common tools that could be shared between the various experiments to speed up the analysis …
Read More »Kick-off Meeting of COST Action COSMIC WISPers (CA21106)
Axions and other very weakly interacting slim (m<GeV) particles (WISPs) are easily accommodated in several extensions of the Standard Model of Particle Physics. Searches for WISPs are strongly motivated by our attempts to understand the nature of the dark matter and puzzling astrophysical and particle physics observations. This Kick-off Workshop is the first Network Activity of the COST Action “COSMIC WISPers in the Dark Universe: Theory, astrophysics, experiments” (CA21106). The objective of the meeting is to initiate a discussion among the different communities involved in the project, with the immediate aim of reviewing the present experimental and theoretical status of WISP searches and plan further directions of investigation. The Kick-off Meeting will be held in the Bruno Touschek Auditorium (Bldg. 36, access from LNF secondary entrance in Via E. Fermi, 60 – see map). Local Organizing Committee: Susanna Bertelli, Alessandro D’Elia, Claudio Gatti, Maddalena Legramante, Enrico Nardi, Elena Patrignanelli, Alessio Rettaroli, Simone Tocci. On Wednesday 22 February Caterina Braggio’s seminar on Axion Searches with Quantum Technologies (in italian): https://agenda.infn.it/event/34604/ Thursday 23 February Topic: COST Cosmic Wispers CA21106 Time: Feb 23, 2023 06:00 PM Rome Join Zoom Meeting https://infn-it.zoom.us/j/82799777179?pwd=aGZlTU53ZGNUeVVoSmJ5M0hQck5JQT09 Meeting ID: 827 9977 7179 Passcode: 199316 Friday 24 February Topic: COST Cosmic Wispers CA21106g Time: Feb 24, 2023 09:00 AM Rome Join Zoom Meeting https://infn-it.zoom.us/j/84634959132?pwd=R2QvMG1XMTg4aXZvMzFQbVhmYWhlZz09 Meeting ID: 846 3495 9132 Passcode: 971078
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