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In corso
XXI LNF SPRING SCHOOL “BRUNO TOUSCHEK” in Nuclear, Subnuclear and Astroparticle Physics
The XXI LNF Spring School “Bruno Touschek” in Nuclear, Subnuclear and Astroparticle Physics will take place at the INFN, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Italy from Monday, May 13th to Friday, May 17th, 2024. The School is addressed to graduate students and young post-doctoral fellows in theoretical and experimental high-energy, nuclear and astroparticle physics. The 2024 …
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Machine Learning: from mammal’s brain to statistichal mechanics
Elena Agliari (Roma Univ.)
In the first part of the colloquium I will provide a gentle introduction to neural networks from a statistical-mechanics perspective. In this framework, a bridge between biologically-inspired models and artificial models is highlighted and leveraged to improve our comprehension and mathematical control on these systems. In the second part, I will show that consolidation and …
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