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Workshop on HighLumi-LHC and Hadron Colliders

1 Ottobre 2024 @ 8:00 - 4 Ottobre 2024 @ 20:00

The Workshop on HighLumi-LHC and Hadron Colliders will be held in the Bruno Touschek Auditorium (Bldg. 36, access from LNF secondary entrance in Via E. Fermi, 60 – see map).

Inspired by the MCWS

organised at LNF on the eve of LHC, and motivated by the 2025-2026 Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics, we present some topical workshops on future colliders, focused on the opportunities and challenges, both theoretical and experimental, with the goal of informing and blending Italian researchers (of any age bracket) with different backgrounds.

Each event will be staged at LNF, which is the birthplace of collider physics and is endowed with large meeting facilities and, beyond the MCWS mentioned above, has a long tradition of events characterised by a strong interaction between theorists and experimenters.

Each event will start off with an elementary introduction to the workshop main topics, to be followed by focused talks on specific themes. The setting and the audience will be at the national level, although lecturers may be chosen among world-wide experts.

We will start with a workshop on HighLumi-LHC and Hadron Colliders on 1-2-3-4 October 2024, to be followed by a workshop on e+e- Colliders in January 2025, and by workshop(s) on Muon Collider and new horizons, on dates to be defined.

The workshop in October will be preceded by a community event dedicated to Early Career Researchers, organized by the Italian members of the ECFA ECR Panel (
Building on the success of the first event held on July 3rd (, this session will cover topics ranging from physics to career development and will feature extensive discussion sessions. It will take place from the afternoon of September 30th to lunchtime on October 1st. An INDICO page for this meeting will be made available soon, and linked on the INDICO page of the workshop.

We have planned a fee of € 100 esclusively for INFN associates, which must be paid through internal transfer (storno) among INFN sites. INFN participants are required to specify in the registration form their INFN site and group. They are also required to inform their administration about the group to be charged.


Organizing Committee:

S. Alioli (Milano Bicocca Univ.)

E. Bagnaschi (LNF INFN)

G. Corcella (LNF INFN)

V. Del Duca (LNF INFN)

F. Mescia (LNF INFN)


Steering Committee:

F. Antinori (INFN Padova)

M. Corradi (INFN Roma)

P. Giacomelli (INFN Bologna)

F. Maltoni (Bologna Univ.)

N. Pastrone (INFN Torino)

F. Piccinini (INFN Pavia)

G. Punzi (Pisa Univ.)

G. Sguazzoni (INFN Firenze)

R. Tenchini (INFN Pisa)


1 Ottobre 2024 @ 8:00
4 Ottobre 2024 @ 20:00
Categoria Evento:
Sito web:


Auditorium B. Touschek
Via Enrico Fermi, 54
Frascati, Roma 00044 Italia
+ Google Maps