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Win-Win for LHC and CERN

Yogendra Narain Srivastava (Northeastern University, Boston, U.S.A.)

21 Maggio 2024 @ 14:00 - 16:00

Dark matter implies that SM extrapolations through the renormalization group (RG) – that have worked very well so far upto LHC energies- must break down at some higher energy. Under the caveat of no physics beyond the SM, F.Jegerlehner extrapolated the two-loop RG results beyond the electro-weak scale and found that the quadratically divergentmass shift between the bare and renormalized Higgs mass has a zero at a mass three orders of magnitude lower than the Planck mass (used as a cut-off). This is truly remarkable because it implies an unexpected very high energy mass scale (that is close to the unificationmass scale in addition). From a completely different view, we have obtained a similar mass scale through the Trimble plot (J vs. M) ofastrophysical objects. We discuss the implied win-win situation for LHC/CERN for testing both the hypotheses of dark matter or no dark matter. 


21 Maggio 2024
14:00 - 16:00
Categoria Evento:
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Aula Seminari
Via Enrico Fermi, 40
Frascati, Roma 00044 Italia