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Autumn Institute – Challenges in collider physics

18 Novembre 2016 @ 10:00 - 18:00

Aim of the workshop:

This meeting aims at gathering theorists and experimentalists working in the Rome area in the field of collider physics. In an informal environment, we shall discuss several issues, which are relevant at present (LHC) and future accelerators. In particolar, we shall debate the phenomenology of dark photons, parton distribution functions, the state of the art of higher order QCD corrections as well as top-quark phenomenology, paying special attention to CP violation in top decays.


Roberto Bonciani (Universita' di Roma `La Sapienza')
"Planar two-loop corrections to Higgs+jet production in QCD"

Marco Bonvini (Universita' di Roma `La Sapienza')
"Theory uncertainty from missing higher orders"

Lucio Cerrito (Universita' di Roma `Tor Vergata')
"Top B physics with the ATLAS experiment"

Marco Guzzi (Manchester University)
"The structure of the proton global analysis in QCD and LHC precision physics"

Barbara Mele (INFN Roma)
"Massless dark-photon phenomenology at colliders"


18 Novembre 2016
10:00 - 18:00
Categoria Evento:
Sito web:


Aula Seminari
Via Enrico Fermi, 40
Frascati, Roma 00044 Italia