Eventi Ricerca e viste Navigazione
In corso
Nanoscience & Nanotechnology 2024
The Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Conference will be held in the Bruno Touschek Auditorium (Bldg. 36, access from LNF secondary entrance in Via E. Fermi, 60 - see map).The NEXT Nanotechnology group at INFN – LNF organizes since 2000 a series of International meetings in the area of nanotechnology. The conference in 2024 is devoted to …
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Higgs interference effects in top-quark pair production in the 1HSM
Speaker: Alexander Lind (CNRS & Subatech Nantes) I will present recent work on an NLO study of the process pp -> ttbar in the 1-Higgs-singlet extension of the S with an additional heavy Higgs boson that mixes with the light Higgs boson.. This process is subject to large interference effects between loop-induced Higgs-mediated amplitudes and …
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