Caricamento Eventi

Eventi - 15 Dicembre 2021

Eventi Ricerca e viste Navigazione

Evento Viste Navigazione


The complex structure of nucleon form factors exploring the Riemann surfaces of their ratio

Alessio Mangoni (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)

15 Dicembre 2021 @ 14:30 - 17:10

After defining the theoretical bases behind the properties of the nucleon form factor, we study the particular case of the Lambda baryon, obtaining for the first time crucial information concerning the ratio $G_E/G_M$, such as determinations for the phase and the presence of space-like zeros.   Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 258 949 5113 …

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3D Structure of the Nucleon: from JLab12 to JLab24

Harut Avagyan (Jefferson Lab)

15 Dicembre 2021 @ 16:00 - 17:30

The quark-gluon dynamics manifests itself in a set of non-perturbative functions  describing all possible  spin-spin and spin-orbit correlations. Single and Dihadron semi-inclusive and hard exclusive production, both in current  and target fragmentation regions, provide a variety of spin and azimuthal angle dependent observables, sensitive to the dynamics of quark-gluon interactions. Studies of transverse momentum distributions …

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