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Fundamental neutrons physics at Los Alamos National Laboratory

16 Marzo 2022 @ 14:30 - 17:10

Precision measurements of neutron properties and interactions shed light on important issues in nuclear, particle, and astrophysics. These include the determination of fundamental constants, the study of fundamental symmetry violation, searches for new interactions in nature and tests of the fundamental laws of quantum mechanics. Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) has been operating a ultracold neutron (UCN) source for more than a decade, providing UCN to various experiments. In addition, new experiments are being developed. In this talk, an overview of the physics program at the LANL UCN source will be given, along with highlights, including the recent results from the UCNτ experiment, and possible future directions.

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Meeting ID: 892 7135 4319
Passcode: 546772



16 Marzo 2022
14:30 - 17:10
Categoria Evento:
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INFN – Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
Via Enrico Fermi, 54
Frascati, Roma 00044 Italia
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