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Analytic QCD ingredients for NNLL resummation and parton showers

27 Giugno @ 11:00 - 12:30

Mrinal Dasgupta (Manchester)

We discuss QCD calculations for specific analytic ingredients necessary to construct high logarithmic accuracy (NNLL) parton showers.

In particular we show how to extend the notion of a physical coupling defined in the soft limit into the collinear region. This extension allows for the incorporation of the resummation coefficient known as B2 into a parton shower in an observable independent manner.

Combined with other key developments we mention, our results allow parton showers to achieve NNLL accuracy for a wide class of observables.


27 Giugno
11:00 - 12:30
Categoria Evento:
Sito web:


Aula Seminari
Via Enrico Fermi, 40
Frascati, Roma 00044 Italia
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